Sidestory: Izuku Midoriya pt2

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At the recommendation of Izuku, you and Inko had gotten married. It was a small ceremony, just being close friends and family.

"Don't you two need an officiant?"
Mitsuki asked.

"Oh we got the legal work done already, this ceremony's just for fun,"
Inko replied.

It wasn't exactly what Mitsuki would've done, but she understood her friend.

You and Inko stood under a tree while your party goers watched, and little Izuku walked down the aisle, throwing flower petals around before standing behind his mother.

You and your wife shared a passionate kiss, the audience cheering as you did so.

"This means you're my dad now, right?"
The little boy asked.

You lifted him onto your shoulders,
"Yup! Isn't that great?"

He laughed as you walked around with him on your shoulders, and Inko couldn't help but smile at the sight. Her son had a father again, she couldn't have asked for a better person to fill the role.

That night you and Inko slept peacefully together, with little Izuku sleeping soundly between the two of you.


"Katsuki Bakugo, what in the world do you think you're doing?!"
You scolded as you lifted your son off the ground.


"Your mother will be hearing about this young man,"

While you were walking down the street to find your son for dinner, you noticed him at the park with his friends. What you saw in heard made your stomach drop.

How could they have been so cruel to him? Seeing Katsuki bully Izuku was most shocking, because as far as you knew, they were good friends.

But you were there to see him push Izuku to the ground, and you heard the horrible things he said to him.

The little blonde boy stood in shock as you ran off with your son. He didn't know there were any adults around! Oh he just knew his mom would be pissed at him.


"He did WHAT?!"

You moved the phone away from your ear as Mitsuki yelled.

"Please just try to get to the bottom of this, Izuku really likes him and I don't want their friendship to end so early,"

You heard her sigh,
"I'll see what I can do. Thanks for letting me know. I'm gonna put that little brat in his place now,"

And then she hung up.

Izuku wasn't sure how to take any of this. On one hand he didn't want Katsuki to get in trouble, though on the other hand it was nice that someone finally noticed what was happening to him.

"Izuku, how long has this been going on?"
You asked, your hands on his shoulders as you kneeled down.

"A while..."
He admitted.

"But it's okay! He didn't mean it!"

What the hell is that supposed to even mean?!
You though to yourself.

It was clear that even through the bullying, the boy didn't want to lose his friend. The same applied to you too. You'd heard of how they were such good friends once, and as far as Inko or Katsuki's parents knew, that was still the case.

"Don't tell mom please?"
He asked.

"I don't wanna make her worry,"
He added.

You sighed, and then realized that you really didn't need to tell her. Mitsuki would let her know soon enough.

"Okay buddy, I won't. But I've already told Katsuki's parents, and they might tell her, understand?"

He nodded.

You hugged the boy tightly,
"I'm so sorry I didn't see it sooner, Izuku,"

He hugged you back,
"It's alright, dad,"

You knew what it was like to be looked down on for something you couldn't control. The torment you faced was something you didn't want anyone else to face, let alone a child. Though unlike Izuku, you were more prone to fight back.

"If anyone tries bullying you again, tell me, okay? You don't deserve to go through that,"

"I will, dad,"

You sighed and picked the boy up,
"How about we watch a movie? I'll make some popcorn,"

Izuku liked the sound of that.


"I'm s-sorry,"
The little boy said to your son.

His mother prodded,
"For what,"

"For being mean to you for not having a quirk,"
He added, his face going red with embarrassment.

Mitsuki asked.

"And I wanna be friends with you again..."
He finished, holding a hand out.

Mitsuki smiled,

To be honest, none of you were sure how Izuku would respond. It'd be pretty in character for him to just forgive and forget, but there was always a slight chance he might have just had enough already.

There was no need to doubt him as he took Katsuki's hands in his own.

"Okay! C'mon let's go play!"
He said while dragging the boy to his room.

Everyone let out a sigh of relief as they seemed to have reconciled, and began to chat amongst yourselves.

"I am so sorry about how Katsuki acted, I can't believe that-"

Inko stopped her,
"It's alright, kids can be cruel sometimes, we get that,"

You looked to Masaru,
"Hey, how about we take the kids camping sometime? We could have a guys trip,"

He looked over to his wife for approval, and she gave him a thumbs up.

"Sounds good!"

In the end, everything was settled, and the two boys became friends once more, though Katsuki would have to work on not being embarrassed of his friend's quirkless state.

Baby steps.


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