Chapter 2 Colorado

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Chapter 2

I was losing my ever-loving mind. I had just agreed to take this little gal and go on a wild hound chase after criminals. I probably should have told her no. I mean, I don't have any obligation to help her. Where I messed up was looking at her when she was talking, those blue, red-rimmed eyes and body poised for disappointment. I just couldn't break her heart, but I couldn't put my finger on why.

I kept wracking my brain on how we were going to accomplish this task with two people, we were doomed before we even left and there was no other deputies that I could get to help us. Our only hope at this point was my two best friends and they may just be stupid enough to come along.

I spurred my horse, ready to be home, feeling on edge and unsettled. My heart calmed down when the old farmhouse that Pa and I resided in came into view surrounded by the old, crooked and gray picket fence that has been around since before I arrived on this Earth. Since my Ma passed, the house looked a little worse for wear. Less like a home with every year that passed. The paint was chipping off the wood siding and the shudders were hanging off the sides of windows as if they were on their last limb hanging on for dear life. No plants or flowers grew around it or graced the garden anymore it was like with Ma being gone, they felt the love leave, so they withered off and died along with it. The one thing remaining the same were the wind chimes, which still greeted anyone with their song when the wind blew just right. I paused on the porch steps and closed my eyes to listen to their familiar bell tones whistle through my ears, the light sound of metal tinkling together as if it was my Ma telling me somehow that she was here.

God, I missed her. She left and took all of her warmth with her just as the sun did at the end of a day. We buried her in the backyard. Pa and I both unable to really part with her. The only big difference being that Pa hardly went to outside to visit her. I went to speak with her almost every other day, legs stretched in front of me and propping myself up on my elbows as I stared at her cross. Just once I wish I could here her voice again, wish somehow she could let me know she was watching out for us. I guess that is why they raised me to believe in God, some sense of comfort for me knowing I would see her again.

"Don't be mad at me mama, but I am going to do something rather reckless. I'm sure you already know this, but Esther Halberts family is up there with ya." I sighed and closed my eyes, some part of me able to understand Essies grief. If ma had passed that way instead of from illness, I would probably be the same as she is.

"She is lookin for what she calls justice on those men mama and I reckon I done fell of my rocker because I am gonna go help her. I wanted to ask you a favor though, if you could spare an angel or two, it'd be much appreciated. I got a feelin we are gonna need them."

My hands started picking at the grass just the same way I did when I was younger and had big things to ponder. Nothing else was coming to my mind to say and the reality was if this didn't go well, I would be seein' her soon anyway. A cleared throat sounded from behind me so I turned around to see Pa standing on the porch staring at me with his large arms crossed in front of him as he leaned against a support beam. My cue to get up. I dusted my pants off and went his way putting my hat back upon my head, "Hi pa."

"You hungry?" he said with his back turned to me as he headed back inside, never making sure I followed him, just knowing that I would. The feeling that I was his shadow cementing in me deep. Ever since I was little, I followed him around and even in to my adult life I went to work the same line of profession as his deputy. If he had his way, I would be replacing him as sheriff, that is if he ever decided he didn't want to be.

"I could eat." Which was no lie because my stomach decided in that moment to make a loud gurgling noise. Pa chuckled, "Ya been eating at all?"

He knew I wasn't. There was never enough time and I didn't feel like wasting any by stopping to make myself food. I was always up early, tending the horses, repairing the house, then going to work until the afternoon. Then when I was done with that, I would come home and put the horses away, getting them fed and watered before I could finally collapse in my bed. Only to get up and do it all again the next day. I watched Pa make his way around the kitchen and scrape some food together for the two of us. If I had to guess, it would be biscuits and gravy, one of the few meals he knew confidently to make and the only reason for that being that Ma had imparted her great cooking wisdom upon him. Thank the Lord. We may eat many of the same meals, but at least they were edible. Pa did try hard, like now, I watched him stir the gravy with the same amount of focus that he did everything with. "There's a rumor being spun that you're thinking about helpin' that orphaned girl?"

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