Chapter 11 Essie

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I had never been to Kalispell before but it was a lot like other towns I had experienced in my life. There was a jail, saloon, hotel with some houses spread about, oh and the mercantile! That was the first building we went in to and it was quickly my favorite. While Colorado and the boys went to talk to the clerk, I was left to my own devices. Puttering about the store looking at all the different wares on display like the ribbons laying on a stand, I went through most of them till my hand landed on one made of simple lace.

"Would you like it?" Colorado asked from behind me.

I turned to him and gently rested my hand on his crossed arms, "You do not have to get me everything I fancy."

"Oh but I do wife, especially if it makes you smile like that."

Just like that, he got it for me and I knew exactly what I was going to do with it. I would give it to Mrs. Gearring as soon as we returned. I just knew it would make her as happy as it made me. After we purchased the lace ribbon, we wondered down to the hotel to book rooms for the night before heading to the jail. As we walked down the wooden board walkway outside that creaked beneath all of our steps, I watched all the people who passed us by. Everyone was so diverse from the women to the men. The women in beautiful day dresses made out of expensive materials and adorned with lavish details, even some with matching bonnets. Then some had dresses, which had seen better days, made of cotton or linen and stained from everyday work.

The men were no different with the way they looked having vast dissimilarities. Some were pure cowboys who had seen better days and some shop workers. Others business men right down to their spit shined leather loafers that appeared to never have never been even the slightest bit dusty. Everyone captivated my attention as they made their way by with all of their many varying personalities. I made sure to nod at the ones in which gave me kind regards and others I just watched as they passed by and we made our way down towards the end of the buildings. The jail was a tall two level brick building with three windows front facing on the first floor and only two upon the second, bigger than most but not as grand as I had hoped for. The bigger the building the more people who worked there and I feared this place did not have as many as we would need. The steps up to the building were few and we were inside the jail in no time at all with a deputy at the front desk greeting us kindly, "Well now how can I help you folks today?"

Colorado stepped forward after he removed his hat and held it against his chest, "My name is Deputy Rasmussen, this is my wife and these are my friends, Tucker Bleacker and Joe O'Malley. We have a little problem and were hoping' you may be able to help. You see, my wife's family was murdered by a group of men I believe lives here or at least is staying in your town for the time being."

The man looked at all of us but his eyes landed directly on me. "Where did you all travel from?"

"Idaho sir. We tracked the group all the way here to Montana." Colorado answered.

"I see," He answered but his next question was directed at me, "Do you feel like you could identify them Mrs. Rasmussen?"

"Yes," I answered weakly knowing that seeing those men would gut me but with the law I would have no other option, "At least the ones I remember, sir."

The deputy stood and came around the great wooden desk to stand in front of us and extend out his hand to me, "Apologies for the manners, I am Deputy Feeney. It is a pleasure to meet you."

I placed my hand in his and gave it a gentle shake while observing him, Deputy Feeney was easy to like with his sincere demeanor and acknowledgment of me.

"Unfortunately I cannot help you because that decision would be up to Sheriff Thompson, who is currently out and about."

"What do you mean I am out Feeney?" A deep bark of a voice said from behind us near the entrance. A burly man at least six feet tall with salt and pepper hair stood there with a stern glare plastered to his face. Feeney squeaked, "You're back!"

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