Chapter 15 Essie

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If fear were visible, my body would have lit up like the night sky's brightest star. No thoughts could have offered me comfort in the moment, no person could have made me feel safe while facing the men who haunted my nightmares, who murdered my family and left me as good as dead on the cold ground with them. I left the embrace of my father in law to confront them by myself. Taking a deep breath in at a helpless attempt to calm myself and gather my wits about me. I kept reminding myself that I had the pistol from Colorado hidden beneath the cattleman's coat I currently wore grateful for the comfort of the soft beaten in leather that grounded my soul. I placed my hands flat against it as I walked remembering my husband's voice to stay ready for anything that may happen. At first, I could not make out anyone in the street but I could hear the voices of laughter and obscene comments coming from the saloon. You could even hear the sound of bottles being shattered. There were two men casually leaning next to the swinging front doors and I could sense the minute their eyes were on me while I made my way closer. The offensively large one on the right was the first to address me by saying, "Well well now, come to have some fun darling?"

I swallowed the abundance of saliva that had accumulated in my mouth and wiped my sweaty palms on the coat without seeming too obvious, they did not need to know I was nervous.

"I believe you are looking for me?" They both exchanged looks before the large buffoon pushed open the door and said, "Right this way."

I was doing my best to not look behind me at the hotel as I walked into the building knowing that Colorado would no longer be able to see me. There were more men in the saloon then we had originally anticipated and my steps faltered a bit as I followed the two strangers through the crowd and down a hallway that I knew led to the back storeroom. The same place they had been locking the saloon owner in. The room was cold and had a stale draft about it. What a miserable place to lock someone up. I was glad that neither of the men shoved me or forced me into it, just a simple kindness, one I am sure they did not show often. Goliath, as I decided to call him, did not wait before deserting me in the darkness. The other gentleman's gaze lingered on me before he told me, "Just stay quiet, may help your odds." Then he went to shut the door but I quickly stopped him and asked, "What is your name?"

"Abraham." He answered before shutting the door that was followed by the sound of a heavy lock sliding into place. I made myself a spot in the corner sitting down with the coat tucked beneath me. The room felt like it had been swallowed by darkness even after my eyes seemed to adjust to everything. I could barely make out the outline of items scattered around the room. Colorado had said there was a hidden door behind some crates that I should be able to unlatch and give them the opportunity to use that as a way in with some element of surprise. The more my eyes seemed to adjust the more I was able to see and there they were. Empty bottle crates. I scrambled to them on my hands and the tips of my toes. If I got my dress too dirty, it could arouse suspicions, which we definitely could not have. Quietly as I could, I moved off the top two and saw a little brass latch towards the bottom and quickly I undid it before I moved the boxes back into place and took up my corner again. My part was done now, I just needed to stay alive which felt like it would be the hardest part of all of this, seeming that the men I was held captive by would benefit more from my death. Sitting here, my thoughts seemed to get darker as I thought about if they did kill me. Would they do it here on the dirt floor? Would they at least be decent enough to give my body back or just leave me here to rot away and feed the mice? Then I thought of my husband and our patchwork family. Tears fell down my face and onto my dirty hands that rested in my lap. Surely, my whole life could not have been meant to end where it was now. Colorado's voice made an appearance in my head, his tone warm and loving, reminding me that he would keep me safe and to stay calm. I let my lungs draw in a strong breath of air to steady myself just repeating what he would say to me. If I were going to die, I would go out with the whole of my strength and what remained of my pride. The last weeks of my life having given me what I had desired most, a husband to love who loved me back. A little girl's hopeless romantic dream fulfilled and for that, I would be eternally grateful. My head fell onto my bent knees as I started to pray. For not only myself but also everyone I loved. I asked God for at least their safety at the very least. In all his greatness, he could manage that I think. Pulling me from my prayer was the sound of the lock before the door to the room was thrown open. Only one man stood there with the light behind him I could not make out his face. I squinted my eyes to see if that helped but the man said, "Don't go strainin yourself, you have seen me before."

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