Chapter Five | Talia

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The cafeteria isn't as crowded today. With the rain finally easing up last night, I guess most people were trying to take advantage of the sun today.

I follow behind Simone who heads straight for the pizza line and together we both pick a tray of food, pay, then head for the tables.

"What did Mr. Cross want with you?" Simone asks, slamming her backpack in front of her on the table. At my raised eyebrow she adds, "On Friday when he asked you to hang back?"

She must've been dying to ask me that all weekend.

"Oh," I shrug. "He saw a bruise on my cheek and wanted to know what happened." I explain like it's no big deal.

"Can I ask what happened or.." Simone wonders as she begins to peel the skin off her orange.

Shrug. "My mom's boyfriend just got a little angry with me because I wouldn't let him feel me up."

A look of pity crosses her face and it's the exact reason why I don't like telling people my business. "Please don't look at me like that. I'm fine."

"Sorry. I just didn't think anyone else here was like me." Simone says, causing me again to raise my brow at her. She looks around the cafeteria making sure that no one is paying attention to her before she scoots back in her seat enough for me to see when she lifts up her shirt high enough for me to see a red bruise on her ivory skin.

"I-I had no idea." I tell her, stunned. I was positive I was the only one at this school with any real problems. Simone never gave anything away.

Well, neither do I guess...

"Of course you didn't. It's not like I go around telling around my business." Simone says as she pops an orange wedge into her mouth. "Step-brother gets his rocks off seeing me hurt." She explains.

"Why are you telling me this?" I wonder. We've only known each other for a week.

"I feel like I can trust you. You're not like everyone else here; you know there's life outside these hallways and sometimes that shit ain't all roses."

"You can say that again." I agree, before finally picking up my chicken sandwich to take a bite.

There's some catcalling followed by some laughter and when I turn my head toward the sound, I see Nick as he strolls past the table of girls whose eyes follow him as he walks further and further into the room.

He doesn't pay them any attention as he walks towards the salad line.

I still find it hard to believe that he would rather eat high school cafeteria food than go out and buy some gourmet meals. It can't be because he's trying to save money since it's obvious he has a lot of it... and his sister.

I smile as I think about how yesterday ended. Otis had a couple of his friends over that morning and they all expected my mom and me to serve them food and beer as if my house was some kind of bar. When I told Otis to serve himself he shoved me against a wall while his friends laughed and my mom looked on and said nothing.

I had to get out of there. I didn't care that I was dressed in sweats or that the clouds looked cloudy. I couldn't stay there. So I left. I grabbed my phone and small clutch before heading out. Thankfully no one tried to stop me.

When I got on the bus I didn't really know where I was going nor did I care. All I cared about was putting as much distance as possible between me and that place I call home. I didn't get up until I realized I was in Easton and passed my new school. Once I got off the bus the rain went from a little drizzle to a downpour. Without an umbrella and three strangers huddled together under the only protection from the rain already, my only choice was to lower my head and pray that the rain would stop soon.

The minute I saw You | Teacher-Student romance | BWWMTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang