Chapter Twelve | Talia

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Warning: sexual content up ahead 🙈

As far as nights goes, this was the last way I expected my night to end. I cast a look down at my lap where Nick has one hand securely on my thigh. He's here. He's really here with me right now. I can still feel his lips on mine, still taste him on my tongue and remember the way his body felt pressed against mine. I pictured out first kiss more times than I'm willing to admit, but nothing could prepare me for the sheer electricity I felt when our lips touched. It was like live wires underneath my skin whenever I think about the way he felt.

"What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?" Nick asks, and I turn my head to look at him before answering.

He looks hot tonight in a pair of black boots, black jeans, a solid black t-shirt underneath a black bomber jacket and his hair is that sexy kind of messy that tells me he's ran his fingers through it more than a few times tonight.

I shake my head, feeling silly. It wasn't like that was my first kiss. I shouldn't be replaying it in head like some kind of movie.

"Just thinking about the kiss." I admit, sheepishly.

"I've wanted to do that since the moment you sat down across from me in the diner." Nick admits, only partly surprising me.

I grin. "I know. I caught you looking at my lips a few times."

Nick squeezes my thighs in response and chuckles softly. "Can you blame me?"

I giggle in response. "It's okay. I may have check you out a couples times too." And how could I not? He came into my diner looking like he walked off the set of a GQ photoshoot with his dress shirt pushed to the elbow, his hair perfectly combed and smelling like the ocean.

A few minutes later, we're pulling up to white iron gates where a woman dressed in a security uniform says hi to Nick and waves him through. Of course he lives in a gated community.

We drive for another minute, making a right at the stoplight before driving to the last house at the end of the cul de sac. It's a breathtaking grey cobblestone and solid wood home that's two stories tall. Nick parks inside the two car garage before killing the ignition and climbing out the car.

I allow him to entwine our fingers as he leads us out of the garage and into the main  house, past the spacious great room, and into the kitchen which held granite counters, stainless steel appliances, and large cabinets.

"You want some water?" Nick offers as he walks over to the fridge.

I shake my head. "No, thanks."

"Talia," He warns.

"I'm not drunk," I argue. "I got pulled out of the club before I could get that far." He studies me for a moment before taking a water bottle for himself out of the fridge and walking back over to me. "Your house is beautiful."

"Thank you." He twists the cap off his water bottle and takes a huge sip.


This is awkward. I'd been expecting a lot more kissing and nakedness to be happening right now.

"So...?" Nick repeats, arching a brow at me while a teasing smile plays on his lips.

"Why did you bring me here Nick?" I cross my arms against my chest and watch as he begins to stroll out of his kitchen.

"I told you I didn't like those men staring at you." Nick answers.

"They wanted to do a lot more than just stare at me Nick." I say, following him out into his living room.

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