Epilogue | Nick

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Four Years Later


A soft chime pierces the silence, and I glance up as a young man and woman walks through the door. I sigh, stretching my legs out in front of me, relaxing in my seat.

I wonder if he's as nervous as I am.

Nope. I'm not nervous about becoming a father, at least that's what I tell myself at least once a day.
Talia and I are finding out the gender of our baby, and I gotta believe we're not going to screw this child up. We both agreed that we didn't want to wait to find out the sex of our first child together.

I turn my head, looking down at her next to me. She's curled up in her chair, her head on my shoulder. Her raven-colored hair is swept up in a messy ponytail, and I reach down and tuck the few rebellious strands behind her right ear. She wears one of my white t-shirts and a loose pair of light washed jeans, and I still can't tell that she's pregnant with our first child.

The first of who we're both hoping is a girl. We already got ahead of ourselves and picked the name.  Nichole Alexandra Cross. She insists on naming her after me, thanks to her anal insistence of our child having the same initials as me.  I don't really understand the importance, but whatever she wants, she gets.

I rest my hand on her thigh and stare up at the ceiling.

I'm forty years old. My wife is literally half my age and three months pregnant. Sounds like the premise of a really fucked up romance novel. But fuck, I'm the luckiest man in the world.

There's soft chatter all around us and I feel Talia breathing peacefully next to me. I continue to stare up at the ceiling, unable to believe that this is really my life.

Talia's name is suddenly called, and the both of us stand from our seats. "That's us," I say, smiling at the pretty nurse.

Leaving the waiting room, we walk through the hall, stopping at the last room on the right. There's an examination bed in the center of the small room, two identical navy blue seats pushed against the white walls, and hanging above the examination bed and seats is a painting of a purple iris. There's a machine in the left corner and Talia is instructed to wait on the examination bed for the OB-GYN to arrive.

Talia lays on the bed and scoots back until she's comfortable, one hand instantly lays on her stomach. I immediately take her free hand and Talia doesn't waste anytime entwining our fingers.

"You okay?" She asks softly.

"Yeah," I kiss her forehead. "Don't worry about me. It's all about you right now."

"I really hope it's a girl." She admits softly.

"God help me if it is," I squeeze her hand. "I can barely handle one of you."

Her face breaks out into a beautiful smile as she laughs. She knows damn well it's the truth and she takes pride in keeping me on my toes.

"Seriously though," She says. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm nervous. I didn't exactly have a positive father figure to show me the ropes on this whole father thing."

My relationship with my father has remained the same. He still wasn't man enough to own up to his actions and my parents are currently separated after he was caught cheating on my mom with the maid. How fucking original.

My mom has surprised me though, she's more opened to Talia then she was after she learned Talia's age and our former relationship.

Talia's the one to squeeze my hand this time. "We'll figure it out together.You're going to be the best father in the world."

"How could you possibly know that?"

"Because you're the kind of man who moves mountains for the people you love, so I know you'll do the same for our child."

"I love you." I lean over her so our lips are just inches apart.

"I love you." She places a soft kiss against my lips.
Someone clears their throat, and I hold back my sigh of irritation at the interruption. When I lift my head I see a middle-age blonde hair woman standing in the doorway.

She must be the doctor.

"I apologize for the interruption." She walks further into the room and the name clipped over her white coat says Sloane.

"Sorry you had to walk in on that." I apologize smoothly as I stand up straight with Tali's hand still gently tucked inside my own.

"No apologies needed," She holds out her hand for Talia to shake then me. "I"m Lindsay Sloan. Your OB-GYN." She introduces herself. "You nervous?" She looks directly at Talia.

"A little."

Her pregnancy wasn't exactly planned and to say we were surprised is a complete understatement. After she graduated college, we started to become a little reckless in our lovemaking, not always using a condom and just shortly after her birthday we found out she's expecting. She's barely twenty-two with her whole life ahead of her and a whole world to see, and I feel like I just cut her experience short, but she's reassured me that this is exactly the life she's always wanted to have and I planned to continue to give that to her for as long as I live.

"Well if you love this baby as much as you two seem to love each other, you have nothing to worry about." She tells Talia.

Talia looks at me and smiles. "That's what I always tell you."

"This is going to be a little cold." She warns Talia before applying a gel to her lower belly. At Talia's intake of breath, I squeeze her hand a little tighter. Dr. Sloan then takes a machine and presses it to Talia's growing belly the same time an image on the screen appears. This isn't the first time I've heard the heartbeat, but my own still stops and pounds harder at the sound.

That's my son or daughter in there...

"Congratulations... It's a girl." Dr. Sloan announces. She says something else but it falls on deaf ears as I pull Talia into my arms and kiss her.

"I'll give you guys a minute." Dr. Sloan says before excusing herself out of the room.

"We're gonna have a girl." I repeat out loud, needing to make sure that this was all real.

"We're gonna have a girl." Talia confirms as she places a hand on my cheek.

Dr. Sloan quietly lets herself back in the room. She tells us some more information and let us know when the next appointment is. Then the two of us walk out of the building feeling more happy than should be humanly possible.

"You know, apart of me still feels like I'm some evil villain whose corrupting you." I admit when we're alone in my car.

"You're not corrupting me. I have a lot to learn and you're teaching me." She argues.

"Well then," I lean in close, "Let the lessons begin."

The End
Thank you so much for all the love you shown this story! All the comments and votes and conversations are what kept me going when I honestly got stuck or lost inspiration. So im so grateful to each and everyone of you.

I hope you enjoyed Nick and Talia's journey!

Until the next story,

Xoxo, Erica aka E.S Jean

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