Chapter Twenty-Six | Talia

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A week later...

"We're going to crash if you don't stop distracting me!" I scold, trying to push Nick's hand off my thigh.
He sits next to me in his car, his warm hand placed securely and possessively between my thighs, his fingers edging towards dangerous territory.

I gasp, melting into him and my stomach does somersaults as the warmth his of his hand warms my skin.

"Well if you'd wear a different dress..." He says.

"But I like this dress!"

It's graduation day. It's not like I'm dressed in a G-string and matching bra under my grown. No one is going to see it until after I cross the stage. No one cares about what I have underneath. And plus, this is the most appropriate choice of the two. He better be happy I went with the black tube dress instead of the white lace dress I really wanted to wear.

But Nick is ready to tear anything I wear off of me, so the short, satin material that stops mid-thighs and hugs my curves perfectly is having an effect on him. Hence, not being able to keep his hands to himself.

We pull into an empty parking space ten minutes later, and I climb out of the car, immediately blending in with my fellow classmates. The soles of my feet already ache as I walk across the parking lot in my thick black wedges. The air is cool and I also feel a few drops of something cold periodically land on my arms.

Graduation is finally here and my stomach has been in knots ever since the date was announced and the feeling only intensified since this morning. We have to step out of our little bubble today. Today I have to share him with my fellow classmates, faculty and staff, and the world. The reminder that after today I would never have to see any of these people again is the only thing pacifying my mounting nerves.

It's been one week since Nick's been suspended from Kerrington while they held their investigation. Without any proof of anything sexual or inappropriate between me and Nick, they had no choice but to lift the suspension and Nick was able to come back to work and lucky for me, with graduation prep, college acceptance, and impending goodbyes, everyone eventually forgot about me and Nick.

But now that graduation is here and I'm officially no longer his student, we don't have to hide behind classroom doors anymore and live on stolen moments.

He sits in the front row amongst parents and other loved ones, looking devishly handsome in a tan suit and light blue button up.

The ceremony begins. The principle starts off with a famous quote before going into a speech about the school's founding history and how he's proud to see another generation of young adults go off into the world. The Valedictorian steps up to the podium afterwards, earning a round of applause thanks to her inspiring speech and finally we're all being called by our last names.

It doesn't take long for my name to be called and I beam like an idiot when I turn my head to see Nick standing and cheering me on.

There's a final statement from the dean and then there's a sea of royal blue caps being thrown into the air.

Nick manages to find me in all the chaos. He lifts me off the ground and spins me around before placing me safely back on my feet.

"I have a present for you." He teases.

I wrap my arms around his neck. "You promised me no gifts." I frown as I think about all that he's given me since the moment we met and how I woke up this morning to his head between my thighs. It's been a pretty damn good day so far.

"Technically this isn't a present because you don't have to unwrap it." He explains.

I tease the tuff of hairs at the back of his head. "So what is it then?"

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