Chapter Fifteen | Talia

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"What the hell happened to you Saturday? After you left me at the club you completely just ghosted my ass the rest of the weekend." Simone says to me as we walk to lunch the next day. She was absent yesterday because she didn't feel good so she had to wait until now to interrogate me.

I feel a little guilty about ignoring her texts and calls all weekend, but in my defense, it was a pretty life-changing weekend. I smile as I think about Nick whose class I left an hour ago. He managed to stay on his side of the room today and keep his hands to himself. After having sex on the kitchen counter and then again in my room, we managed to sedate ourselves long enough so that I could finish my homework assignment and for Nick to actually put a lesson plan together for the rest of the week, then we ordered Chinese food and cuddled and watched a movie until I fell asleep.

It was a pretty incredible day.

The only thing that sucked was Nick had to get up and leave early to get ready for work since he didn't have any clothes at the beach house. But he kissed me this morning until I forgot my birthday before he left and locked up behind him and I went back to sleep for another hour before my alarm rang.
I'm not entirely sure what to say. I couldn't exactly tell her I ditched her to have sex with our AP English teacher.

"Sorry. I told you I wasn't feeling good. I must've caught the bug or something because I was pretty out of it for the rest of the weekend." I lie.

"Aw, I'm sorry. Did Mr. Cross fuck you back to health?" Simone wonders, shocking the hell out of me. I stop walking immediately and pull Simone to the side so we wouldn't block the other kids going inside the cafeteria.

"Why the hell would you say something like that?" I demand.

"You think I didn't see you leaving with him Saturday night? When I was done dancing I started to go back to where I left you, but you were too busy getting tongue down by Mr. Cross that I guess you didn't notice me and then you two left the club together. It doesn't take a genius to know what you guys did next." Simone explains.

I don't know what to say.


"Please don't lie to me. Anyone with eyes can see that you're the only person he doesn't look at like he hates them." Simone says.

"I-" I try again, but honestly, I have no idea what I'm going to say. Should I come clean or deny it?

"You can relax. I'm not going to say anything to anyone. You two are adults and it's none of my business who either of you sleeps with," Simone reassures me. "I do want to know how the hell it all started though."

I study her, still unsure if I should tell her the truth or not. Should I talk about this with Nick first? It wasn't just me who had something on the line. He could lose his job if word of us together got out. But Nick had his sister and brother-in-law and I had no one I could talk to about any of this. Simone didn't seem like the type to run her mouth with this sort of news. I feel like I can trust her. "I will deny everything if you say anything to anybody." I warn her.

"You can trust me."

So I take a leap of faith and tell her everything. I tell her how we met at my job. I tell her about meeting his sister and niece, I tell her about the sketchpad, I tell her about the beach house and I tell her about how he makes me feel whenever we're together.

"Oh my gosh. This is insane!" Simone gasp. "Why can't cute shit like this happen to me?" She demands, making me laugh.

"This is definitely not how I expected my senior year to be going," I state. "But I can't complain."

"All cuteness aside, I'm sorry about your mom. That's beyond messed up." Simone says.

It is messed up and it's not like I magically forgot about her or our situation. I still think about her and I hope she's okay. But is bad that a part of me saw us going down this path anyways? It was going to happen sooner or later but thanks to Nick it happened a lot earlier than planned.

The minute I saw You | Teacher-Student romance | BWWMDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora