Chapter Nineteen | Talia

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Ruth Cross is intense as she is beautiful. Her long dirty blond hair- the same as her son's- cascades down her back, which is exposed thanks to the body-hugging dress she's wearing. Despite being in her early fifties, it was clear she still kept up with her appearance.

We spend a lot of time together talking about favorite designers, favorite article of clothing and she even hints at a possible intern position for me with her personal designer.

"And here I thought the only beautiful woman in the room was my wife." A gravelly voice says from behind Ruth and me. The both of us turn around and I'm suddenly faced with an older man with a full head of grey hair neatly combed away from his face, and piercing blue eyes. He's dressed impeccably in a grey suit and dark blue tie. I recognize him instantly as the man of the honor and Nick's dad.

Julian Cross.

I continue to stare at the man who somehow convinced Nick that he wouldn't be a good partner. The same man who robbed a little boy of a positive male influence. He's handsome, I'll give him that. But unlike his son, he wears his entitlement proudly.

"Sweetheart, this is Talia, Nicholas's girlfriend." His mother introduces us.

"It's nice to meet you Mr. Cross." I stick out my hand for him to shake.

"Please, call me Julian." He smiles at me before wrapping his hand with mine. "It's a pleasure to meet you. You must be pretty special for Nicholas to bring you to meet us." He says.

I smile in response. "It's an honor really Mr. Cross. Oh, and happy birthday."

"It's Julian," He corrects me. "And thank you. Would you like to dance?"

"Uh..." I look back at Ruth for permission or rescue.

"I'm afraid she already promised our son all of her dances tonight." Ruth tells him, thankfully getting me out of what I was sure was going to be an awkward situation. I wonder if Ruth was saving me out of love and respect for her son's new girlfriend or because she noticed the interested glint in her husband's eyes.

I wonder if he'd look at me that way if he knew I was old enough to be his youngest daughter.


"I'd like to finish my dance with the most beautiful woman in the room if you don't mind." Nick says just as he wraps an arm from my waist from behind.

"She's all yours." His mother tells him before Nick is whisking me away from his parents.

Nick doesn't say another word to me until we're far away from his parents and he has his arms around my waist and my body pressed against his in a slow dance.

"Please tell me they didn't scare you away." Nick finally says as we sway to the classical music.

"Are you kidding me? Your parents are wonderful... compared to mine." I say, sheepishly.

"I'd like to think that despite them we turned out okay... some more than others." He squeezes my hips.

I smile. "I was right about one thing though." I say.

"Which was what?"

"You're nothing like your father." I tell him. My words surprise him and abruptly we stop dancing as Nick gazes at me in awe with maybe a glimmer of something else I'm too afraid to hope for. But it's true. Even though we only spoke a few words to each other, his father showed me the kind of man he is with his actions and the man whose arms I stand in tonight is nothing like that, nor will he ever be.

"That's gonna get you kissed." Nick finally says, making me giggle. "Come here." Nick tells me as he brings one hand up to cup of the back of my head and pull me in until our lips touch. I can't help but smile through the kiss and even after when Nick pulls away.

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