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I took a deep breath and focused all my energy into my center. I blocked out everyone one else, everything else. My anger towards Xander's refusal to be honest with me. My hurt over him rejecting me. My frustration knowing the fact that he wasn't wrong to. He had a mate. A person he was destined to spend forever with. I wouldn't be the girl that tried to come between them.

What Xander and I felt for each other was nothing more but lust. I was seeking comfort in him after everything that happened to me. That wasn't fair to either one of us. Once my mind was silenced, I drew out my fire and created a dome around me.

With my eyes still closed I imagined the flames taking another shape. When I opened my eyes I watched a small blue and yellow dragon fly around me. I laughed reaching out to touch the flames, sighing when I felt them sink back into my skin. The dragon disappearing.

"Now that was impressive. Though I'd say it's a little reckless starting a flame in a room full of books." I turned around and watched as Kenji made his way towards me.

"I had it under control." I shrugged leaning back in my seat.

He sat across from me and watched me watch him. Both of us quiet. This was the first time Kenji and I were alone in a room together. There was so much I wanted to ask him. I just didn't know where to start.

"You had told me that the Black library contained factual information on all things supernatural."

"Yes." He answered simply still watching me.

I spent a fair amount of time studying Kenji. There was a certain aura he gave off. The same one I had sensed when I first met him. Like he was something or someone ancient squeezed into a 26 year olds body. Underneath all the humor and laughter there was a coldness to him. And in the heaviness of the silence, with his eyes locked on mine, I felt very small. But I could tell he wasn't trying to make me feel small.

"I found a book titled myths. It contains information on what the author claims are the rarest supernatural creatures. Most of which have turned into legends over the years because very few people have seen then. They're more like whispered tales at this point."

"What myth were you looking for?" He asks.

"Dragons." I pause to watch his reaction but he gives me nothing. I glare at him and he slowly smiles at my glare.

"And what did the book tell you?"

"It said dragons were killed off in some great war in the 10th century. That the different types where hunted down and slaughtered for their power. The last known dragon before the massacre was in European lore was Arthur Pendragon." I said remembering what it said.

"King Arthur was a dragon? That's cool." He said nodding his head not sounding surprised at all.

"But according to my father, he met a dragon a couple years ago. One that knows about me and my power."

"Well I don't know about western mythology but according to my culture, a dragon being alive at the same time as a phoenix isn't really surprising. They're kind of like Ying and Yang those two creatures. So there's a chance one or two dragons survived the massacre and are still in hiding."

Something he says makes me pause. He said Western Mythology. What I've been learning, what I know has been solely Western Mythology. It'll have some information but not all of it. Even when I did a search on Phoenix, I found hundreds of different stories. Hundreds of different versions. If I want to know what I really am and how to truly control my power, I have to look for my mother's coven. I'm a descendant of them. They will have all the information that relates to me.

Hunted (REWRITTEN) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora