Apex Predetor

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9 Years Ago

"You can't tell her." Richard said with his head between his hands.

"Why not." I growled.

I was trying as much as possible to keep Xerxes in check. It had only been a couple weeks since I turned 16. I still didn't have full control over my new companion but I was trying. After my first shift happened I told myself to wait a couple weeks before heading to New York.

Even as a kid I had always known Mel was mine. I just wanted to confirm it. The logical side of me told me to. I had always been protective of Mel since I met her. That protectiveness turned into a crush over the years even after she left the camp. I wanted it to be more than just a silly crush so I flew to New York the first chance I got to confirm if she was my mate and she was.

"She doesn't even remember you Alexander and she knows nothing of the supernatural world. I'm not dragging her into that life. You're an alpha you're more possessive so what I'm saying is probably going out the other ear." He said.

"Of course it is." Xerxes scoffed in my head.

"But I'm talking to the human you. The logical you. She's safer here. Away from where Alistair can reach her. In the care of my family. No supernatural is stupid enough to go against one of the most powerful hunter families. She has school and wants to go to college are you sure you want to uproot her life?"

"Then I'll move here." I reasoned. "I'll get to know her all over again."

"You have responsibilities too. You're supposed to take over your father's pack. I know this is hard for you to understand since you're still so young. A couple years is all I'm asking for. Until she's completely safe and Alistair's out of the way. You have her for eternity. All I'm asking for is a couple years."

I looked out the window into their garden and spotted Mel and the boy. Both of them completely focused on the books in their hands. I didn't like him. He was sitting to close to her. Richard said he was her best friend. I was supposed to be her best friend she didn't need him to be her anything.

"I won't tell her. I'll stay away and wait a while."

"No we won't."

"But I'll be coming to check on her as much as I can." I continued ignoring Xerxes. Richard sighed and smiled.

"Thank you. I know I'm asking a lot."

"It's no problem." I said forcing a smile.

I left on the first flight after that. I couldn't afford the other Wilsons knowing I was in town. New York had a handful of supernaturals. Most of them were old and knew how to hide from that family. No one took themselves into New York unless they absolutely had to and for a short period. In this city they were the predators.

Present day

I sat at the edge of my bed glaring at my floor. This was stupid. Why was I keeping this from her? Why didn't I tell her? Lucian was right, I was a glutton for punishment. I should have told her. I could still tell her. I mean it wasn't too late right?

I stood up to head to her room but stopped when I saw Kenji leaning against my closed door. That's when I registered the chill in the room. He wasn't looking at me, his eyes were focused out the window. I opened my mouth to speak but felt my throat close up. Like an invisible hand was wrapped around it stopping me from saying anything.

"I thought I could let you handle this on your own, it was funny watching you squirm and try to hide from Melaine. Unfortunately for you and Xerxes I'm not laughing anymore." He said lazily finally turning to look at me.

"Kenji...." I chocked out wanting to speak. He sighed and I was able to breathe again. The force around my neck gone.

"At first I admired your self control. Your ability to stay away from her for so long knowing it wasn't what she needed. You weren't what she needed. But now I realize it's not self control keeping you away from her, it's stupidity."

"With everything going on she doesn't need me telling her we're mates to make her more confused." I argued.

"God you're such an idiot. Do you know how pathetic you sound?" He asked his voice still low. "She just got separated from the only family she's known, the Wilsons are out to kill her, Alistair is hoping to use her as some weapon of destruction. She needed one good thing. She needed you to be there for her as her mate. She needed to know that there was one good thing that came out of her life being turned to shit."


"I'm not done talking Alexander so I'd suggest you shut." He glared.

Xerxes was still angry at me and having Kenji talk down to us was making him more upset. But he didn't let his anger show. Right now, I wasn't the apex predator. I wasn't the most dangerous thing in this room.

"You are my best friend, I would do pretty much anything for you. But Melaine is my first priority. She deserves better than a lousy alpha wolf that wants to hide behind a promise he made to her father nine years ago."

I flinched at the harshness of his words. Visibly taking a step back.

"I don't know what your real reason for keeping your mate bond a secret is and honestly I don't care anymore. So if you really want to continue hiding this that's exactly what you're going to do, you won't confuse her, you will not make any moves on her, you will definitely not try to mark her. You will continue to train her and keep your relationship platonic."


"You will not tell her she is your mate. And neither will Xerxes. If your wolf decides to lose control and makes any attempt to make the truth known, I will put him down." He said dangerously low, his eyes flashing green.

Xerxes instantly calmed down and lowered his head.

"You're the only friend I have. Don't make me have to hurt you. And remember, this is your fault."

I watched in silence as Kenji walked out the room. When the door shut I felt something snap in my head and I dropped to my knees when the realization of what he had just done sunk in. I couldn't hear Mel anymore. He had severed our mind link.

A newfound fear sunk into my bones as I shook my head. Something told me if he wanted to, Kenji was powerful enough to severe our mate bond. He wanted me to know this. He wanted to keep me in line. Because he knew what scared Xerxes more than death, was living mateless.


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