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The chilling winter air froze her skin as she ran through the woods. Her legs felt like they were about to fall off. But she had to keep running. Holding the baby tighter to her chest she made it out of the woods and onto the main road. She didn't stop, couldn't risk stopping. She kept running towards the lights in the distance. The small town that sat in the centre of the dense forest.

A car appeared on the road behind her and slowed down at the sight of her. Stopping beside her its driver rolled down his windows giving her a concerned look.

"Are you okay miss?" He asked softly "Do you need help? I can drop the two of you in town."

"Thank you." She sighed taking a quick glance behind her. Trying to see if she was still being followed. As she reached for the door she noticed the driver's bloody knuckles and took a step back.

Just as she turned to run she was shoved into the side of the car. Her baby was ripped out of her hands and the man in front of her unwrapped the sheets covering her. He let out a growl when he discovered it was a doll and not the child they were after.

"Where is she?" He growled as his companion stepped out of the car.

"Far away from you. He'll never find her." She smiled despite the tight grip he had on her throat. Claws beginning to break her skin.

"We can still track her by scent sweetheart." He hissed with a malicious smirk.

"No you can't. I'm a witch remember. You won't be able to smell her for years. By the time my spell wears off she'll be long gone."

In a bout of rage the wolf snapped her neck and watched her drop to the floor. Her lifeless body leaning against the Jeep. Closing his eyes he let out a bone chilling howl. Seconds later more could be heard.

Richard Wilson's hands paused just above his keyboard when he heard them. Ignoring them completely he continued typing his research paper telling himself it was normal for wolves to howl. Despite his knowledge that the animals weren't indigenous to this area.

A few days in his parents cabin in the woods to finish his paper and have everything in order. If he had known getting his masters would be this stressful he would have just been satisfied with a degree. He was Twenty Five and most people his age were struggling to find work and figure their lives out. He was one of the lucky few that were at least doing something. And weren't neck deep in student loans.

He sat with his head between his hands in the office of that cabin. Why did he have to do that stupid masters? He could have finished this paper at his place back in New York but his brother was using his apartment as a base for his current mission. A witch was causing trouble in the area and he had been sent to kill her.

Richard didn't agree with his family's practices and he thought college would keep him out of it but he was dragged back into it pretty quickly. He tried not to kill anyone who wasn't a threat and made himself some allies.

He gave up on what he was doing when he heard the howling of wolves. The cabin was protected so he wasn't worried about them getting in. What his parents didn't know despite their ability to sniff out the supernatural was that they built their cabin near a supernatural haven. That was one of the advantages of that camp though. It's ability to stay hidden from uninvited creatures and hunters. Except of course Richard.

After an hour of watching TV he dragged his way upstairs deciding to go to bed and finish the paper the next day. What he didn't count on was the small baby in the centre of his bed quietly staring at the ceiling. A small wooden box next to it. He paused, looking around and searching the room, checking if the doors and windows were still locked. They were.

how the hell did this child get in here?

Cautiously walking towards the bed he looked down at the tiny curly haired baby wrapped in white. Big Hazel eyes locked on his brown ones as he moved to pick her up and immediately an envelope fell onto the floor. Slowly putting her back down he opened the letter and sat down to read it.

Dear Richard Wilson,

My name is Behati Sideris and this is my daughter Melaine. I have been watching you for longer than you know. I alerted your family of my presence in your city knowing it would drive you away from them. I needed you away from them in order to do this. I know your family is not a noble one. It is so set in its practices it has disregard for the lives of those that are not like you. They are as bad as if not worse than the creatures they hunt. But you are different.

There is a war that is coming. A war against humanity. A war against supernatural creatures of all kinds. No one is safe from it. The dominating species will be victorious but all others will be wiped out. My family have been protectors of all life for generations. Generation after generation beings more powerful than you could imagine are born to us. Phoenix who hold the balance of the cosmos in their hands. Melaine is one of those beings. She holds extraordinary power. And in the wrong hands she can bring the distraction of not just a species but of the entire planet. Some already know of her existence and have hunted me down to find her. I have placed her in your care for I know your heart is true. Keep her safe and raise her to be as kind as you.

I have blocked her powers and put a protection spell on her. Today is her birthday. Its ironic how the day she came into her life is the day I left hers. I didn't want to leave her. I never wanted to be away from her. But I have to be. When she turns 21 her powers will be released putting a target on her back. I trust you will know what to do when the time comes I have enclosed letters to guide you. And one for her when the time comes. Her protector will most likely find you soon. He will not interfere. He knows being close to her will alert them. But he will not be too far away.

Take care for my baby girl for me and if you ever come to tell the truth before it is time, tell her I love her.


He folds the letter and puts it back in its envelope. Opening the box he flips through 4 other envelopes and a thick black leather bound book. Closing it he looks back at the little girl and is surprised to see her head turned still looking at him. She was unnaturally calm for a child her age. She looked like she was studying him almost as intently as he was studying her.

"When I said I was hoping for some more excitement in my life I didn't think the universe heard me." He chuckled. "Okay Richard. No need to panic. The apparent fate of the world is in your bed. I think I need a drink."


All Chapters drop on December 25th 2021

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