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"During the early period, accusations of lycanthropy were mixed with accusations of wolf riding or wolf charming...."

I zoned out again as the professor continued to teach. I didn't want to be in this class. I had absolutely no interest in folklore. But my dad was the one paying for it so here I was. I mean what was I going to gain from folklore studies? Knowledge of witches and werewolves and vampires? I could get that from Wikipedia. Or better yet a novel. At least then it would be interesting.

I glanced at the time displayed on the clock hanging above the projector screen and sighed. Thirty more minutes until this was over. Forty until my ancient history class started. See now that was an interesting class. Mostly because none of it was made up. It was also the class not taught by a crazy person. Unlike the one I'm in.

I watch professor Wilson as he continues to speak to the class. He wasn't boring. Quite the contrary actually. He taught this class with a passion to an ungrateful group of twenty somethings. Most of who chose it as an elective for a free A. Only later realising Richard Wilson took his subject seriously. And if he saw you didn't, he wasn't going to hand you a free pass in his class.

His eyes locked on mine briefly. A slight eyebrow raise told me he definetly noticed I was zoned out. I quickly zoned back in, realising that the lecture was about to end.

"The accused never voluntarily claimed to have had any association with Satan, but through leading questions and torture, the authorities adjusted confessions about werewolves into confessions about witchcraft, which resulted in convictions and executions of the claimed werewolves as witches. So I want a ten page essay on the relation between the werewolf and witch trials including examples of people that were persecuted on such." He said earning a collective groan from the class.

One of these days I was going to smother him with a pillow in his sleep. He took some sick pleasure out of assigning us long ass essay type assignments. One could only write so many pages before it turned into plagarism.

The bell rang and people began to leave. I quickly shoved my things into my tote bag wanting to make a hast exit before he stopped me. But I sadly wasn't fast enough.

"Miss Wilson a word please." He called making me groan.

"You should really stop zoning out in class Mel." My best friend Gabriel laughed from his seat next to me.

"That's impossible considering he basically taught me this entire syllabus when I was 15." I mumbled earning myself another laugh.

"And I thought the only reason you were top of the class was because your dad's our professor." He smiles getting up and walking towards the exit.

I flip off his back before dragging my way towards the front of the class. I plop myself on his desk as we both wait for the class to empty out. I don't even understand why he bothers being formal with me in class when everyone knows he's my dad.

Despite what Gabe said, no one believes i'm top of this class and many others because I'm Proffesor Wilson's daughter. I worked hard to get the grades I had. He was extra hard on me and had influenced his colleagues to be to. We all saw it.

"Have you started your essay yet?" He asked causing me to roll my eyes "I gave you a heads up last week so you wouldn't hand it in late."

"Really dad? You made me stay behind to ask a question you could have asked at home?" I groaned.

"Is that a yes or no?" He asks with a smile.

"I was going to but then I got distracted." I sigh.

"I see. You got distracted. Makes sense." He nods his head like he understands but my gut tells me I'm about to regret my choice of excuse.

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