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Fifteen Years Ago

"You're not supposed to be here." Carlton huffed watching Mel make her way towards them in her bathing suit. She paused and at the edge of the inflated pool and put her hands on her hips.

"Says who?"

"It's boys only."

"Xee can I swim with you guys?" She pouted turning her attention to him. He smiled at her and beckoned her to jump in.

"Of course you can."

"You always say yes to her." Carlton complained now sulking.

"And you're a cry baby." Mel said splashing water in his face. The 10 year old duo immediately attacked her and pretty soon they were all laughing.

"What do you think your wolf will look like Xander?" Carlton asked once they had settled down. "I think mine will be huge and Black like dad's. And super strong."

"Xee's wolf will be better and stronger. And you'll call it Xerxes. I asked my dad and he said Xerxes is a name for someone strong."

"It won't be stronger." Carlton argued.

"It will." Xander smirked. "I'm stronger that means my wolf will be stronger. And I'm older so it'll be bigger too."

"You aren't stronger than me."

"He is. He won that wrestling match." Mel smiled.

"That's coz you helped him cheat." Carlton yelled.

"Jellybean would never do that? And you tripped on your own." Xander said.

"I hate you guys." Carlton mumbled getting out of the pool and walking into the woods.

Every time Mel came to visit Xander had been hoarding her for himself. They never really played together anymore. He didn't understand it. Mel was his friend too. Xander would now punch Carlton if he touched her or even smiled at her. And Mel, she worshipped the ground her brother walked on. She saw him as a superhero. Her superhero. He could be a superhero too. Xander wasn't all that.

He paused when he spotted his dad walking past the barrier and into the woods.


"Hey buddy. Do you know where your mom is?" He sounded different. And in a few minutes Carlton was going to realize he looked different too.

"She's in the house with Uncle Richard." He answered wondering why he was asking when he left him in the house with her. Come to think of it how did he get outside the barrier?

"Come on lets go inside. You shouldn't be out here on your own." His dad said putting an arm on his shoulder. Hey walked out of the woods and towards the house passing Xander and Mel laying on the grass.

"Dad?" Xander asked confused.

"That's not your dad Xee." She whimpered cuddling into his arm. Upon hearing her the imposter turned his eyes lighting up when he saw her. There she was.

As he made a step towards her Logan and Richard burst out the door and rushed towards the children.

"I wouldn't do that." Alistair smirked wrapping his hand around Carlton's throat, his claws extending.

"Get your hands off him Alistair." Logan growled.

"He's not yours." Alistair taunted.

"Daddy." Mel cried still in Xander's arms.

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