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Every year my grandparents host this family reunion slash party. I never attended the family meetings that happened after the cook out. All my cousins started being part of the meetings at 16. I used to look foward to turning 16 and being part of the grown ups. But my dad said no. Instead we'd both miss it and spend those three hours throwing knives in grandpas dummy room.

The Wilson's were a very proud family. The wealthiest African American's in Manhattan is what the magazines said. No one wanted to acknowledge they were the wealthiest period. My grandparents didn't care. They just kept making money. As long as the family name wasn't dragged through the mud. All the Wilson grandchildren and children had to do just two simple things. Avoid any kind of scandal. And stay out of jail. The media would love that.

Wilson estate was located on the outskirts of manhattan. It housed acres of land and a gigantic mansion in the very centre. My dad and his siblings all grew up here. I spent the first ten years of my life here because grandma thought dad raising me on his own in the middle of the city, in his bachelor pad was simply horrific. He had finally been able to run off when he got a job at NYU and a fancy house in Feldman Oaks.

I stop the SUV we use for road trps behind a black Mercedes in my grandparents drive way. We could never decide who's car to use when going somewhere together so we bought this one.

The huge house stands proud, the sun reflecting on the white paint. As a sort of fuck you to god knows who, my grandpa built Wilson main manor identical to the white house. Escape tunnels and all. I'm pretty sure it's illegal to do that or something. But no one has said anything about it.

I'm 100% sure he's involved in something shady or a spy. Because there's no other way of explaining this 70 year old man giving his grandkids weapons training from the time they were little.

Stepping out of the car my dad and I make our way inside where we are immediately attacked by my grandmother.

"Mel!" She says engulfing me in a hug. "You have no idea how happy I was when your father said you were joing the family meetings this year."

"Hi Grandma." I laugh before realising what she said and turning to my dad. "Wait? I'm not an outcast anymore? I get to join the super secret spy mettings?"

"I figured it was about time." My dad says ignoring my sass.

"It was about time years ago Richard you were just too scared to accept it." She scolds glaring.

"Do my eyes deceive me? Is that baby Mel all grown up?" A voice said behind us. We all turned to see my dad's older brother, Christopher, and his wife walking towards us.

"Hey Uncle Chris, Aunt Jane." I said rolling my eyes.

"I haven't seen you in ages." He laughs giving me a hug.

"You saw her at the Christmas party last month." My dad said.

"One month is a lot Dick." Uncle Chris smirked. It only takes my dad a second to drop our bags and tackle his older brother.

"I'm glad you're finally joining the family business Melaine." Aunt Jane smiles at me confusing me.

"Family business? You mean Wilson Enterprises? Oh I'm not..."

"You haven't told her yet." My grandmother hisses causing the two grown men on the floor to stop wrestling.

"I was going to. Eventually." My dad says shoving Uncle Chris off him and not meeting her stare.

"Tell me what?" I asked.

"We'll get to that later. If you'll excuse us Mel and I are going to get settled." He says jumping off the floor and leading me away from them.

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