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Lexi was standing in front of Sidney with hope, Stu and Billy flanking her sides as they smile wickedly in front of the girl who looks at them with fear she though she just killed billy but here they stand with the bodies of gale weathers, randy and Dewey having been drained of blood.

Lexi smirks showing are blood covered fangs as he eyes had darkened."surprise Sidney you thought you could kill us well guess what .... You can't we are vampires"she says lowly before letting out a low hiss lunging at her just as there was a bright light as they all disappeared.

Stefan is shown walking to the door of his house annoyed with the constant knocking already knowing who it is.

He throws the door open their Elena was standing but before she can get a word in he beats her to it with an emotionless look"sorry but not interested"before slamming the door in her face just as the sound of heels clicking can be Heard."who was that"her British accent is heard as Rebekah mikealson was shown in all her glory.

Stefan shakes his head "nothing just a little bug"he says with a smirk as he walks up to his wife but before he could reach her they were gone in a flash white as well.

Everyone was disappearing such as Elena who was plotting ways to get Stefan to be hers. Damon who wanted to make his brother miserable. Bonnie who was talking to her gram. All of Lexi's family and the mystic falls gang.

Soon a giant empty movie theater is shown as a teenage girl who resembles Lexi and Billy stands with her friends as they wait for the others to arrive just as there is a massive flash as they all scream falling to the floor.

Lexi groan from underneath billy as she looks up seeing him smirking at their position. She rolls her eyes before shoving him off as he yelps falling on his ass as she gets up dusting black jeans before looking up confused "where in the bloody hell are we"as the others groan from the fall before each one gets up.

Klaus growls getting up looking disheveled as he huffs "what the hell did you do you"he hisses at Bonnie who pulls her grams behind her"I didn't do anything"she says firmly with a glare.

Soon his brothers get up one by one as well as the other people just as a throat clears causing them all to tense as they whirl around seeing a bunch of teens making each person raise a confused eyebrow.

The girl who looked like a combination of Lexi and Billy walks forward "hello I'm glad you make it all in one piece for it was we who brought you here my name Luciana I am the daughter of Lexi and Billy"she says with a smirk that was worthy of a Salvatore and mikaelson combined.

This shocked everyone as they went silence as billy and Lexi look at her with shock and disbelief.

Stefan was stumped before putting the pieces together as he glares at billy who hides behind Lexi "you had sex with my daughter!!"he roars.

Lexi rolls her eyes at her father "please is not like you and mom don't have sex"she retorted causing her parents to blush bright red as some of the other watches amused.

Elena was disgusting as she whines"really another parasite."causing all those who hated her guts glare at her full force as a hollow laugh comes from Lexi making her and Damon freeze when the others quickly back away not wanting to feel her wrath again before the two were lifted high up in the head as well  knifes appearing.

"If anyone is a parasite it is you I mean how hasn't synced into that dumb think ass skull up yours that my dad does not want you"Lexi laughs wickedly as her family watches with awe at how her magic has improved over the years you see Lexi is a hybrid of vampire and witch which will be explained later.

But before anything can happen Luciana snaps her fingers causing everything to stop just before Elena and Damon drop to the ground ungracefully.

"As much fun as this has been we brought you here to watch the past and future that could save every single supernatural and humans that are gonna die from hands of the psychotic that wants to synced revenge on all of them."she says with a darkness in her eyes.

Lexi and her group share a knowing look as the others are confused on what she is talking about.

"Now before we start let's introduce our selfs"she says as everyone shares a glance.

"Billy Loomis vampire "

"Stu macher vampire "

"Tatum Riley human"

"Sidney prescott human"

"Gale weathers human "

"Dewey Riley human"

"Randy human"

"Stefan Salvatore/mikaelson vampire "

"Rebekah mikealson original vampire"

"Damon Salvatore vampire "

"Klaus mikaelson original hybrid "

"Coraline forbs vampire "

"Bonnie Bennett witch"

"Tyler Lockwood hybrid "

"Elena Gilbert human"

"Jeremy Gilbert human"

"Matt Donovan human"

"Hope mikaelson tribrid"

"Lexi Salvatore/ mikaelson hybrid "

"Kol mikealson original vampire "

"Elijah mikaelson original vampire "

"Finn mikaelson original vampire."

They all introduced them self before looking at the younger ones as they had share a glance before stepping forward.

"Jack macher son of Stu macher vampire"

"Taylor Salvatore daughter of Elena Gilbert and Damon Salvatore vampire"

"Danny son of Caroline Forbes and Tyler Lockwood hybrid "

"Rachel daughter of Bonnie Bennett and Enzo witch"

"Luke Gilbert son of jemery Gilbert and April Hunter "

They all looked shocked"I know this is a lot to take in but we need to start but a long the way more guest showing please take your seats "Lucinda says firmly as everyone sighs before doing what she said just as the lights dim and the first movie starts.

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