the hunters and the prey part 1

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Lexi watches as her boots that were covered in blood and brain matter burn as she smokes her cigarette while leaning against the tree as she was deep in the woods by the collage.

"Thought you might be here"she turns seeing billy, hope and Stu.

Billy wore jeans with a black v neck and biker boots, hope wore a red dress with a leather jacket and knee high boots, Stu wore a grey v neck with an open flannel and jeans with biker boots.

"Had to burn my boots that were covered in blood and brain from what use to be an annoying cock roach cotton"she says blowing out smoke as she smirks.

"That's exactly what cotton was glad he is dead"Stu says with a laugh as he shoves popcorn in his mouth as the others smirk.

"He was really annoying"Rebekah agreed as she leans into her husband who nods his head.

"Couldn't agree more sister and his death was very fitting Lexi"Klaus says smiling at his sister and neice.

"So what's the plan"billy asked.

"I think I've grown board of this place how would y'all feel about a game called hunter and the prey it's two to end Mickey and Mrs Loomis but first we need to set a trap"Lexi explains with a smirk as the others share knowing smirks this was gonna be fun.

"So what were you thinking"hope asked.

"I think the helpless victim card should do for a start"Lexi says as she and hope share knowing smirks before Lexi explains the plan.

After the cotton situation two cops were ordered to escort Lexi and hope off campus as they were shown in lexi's room as they were packing there belongings as they were shown existing out of the building as the wall to the car.

"Wait wait for me"they hear a familiar voice as Hallie was shown running after them with her bags packed as Lexi grits her teeth this human didn't no when to stop.

"How many hints does it take for you to understand they don't like nor care about you I mean really"kol says with a huff as his siblings agreed.

"My uncle has a point"Lucinda whispered to her self.

"Hallie can I talk to you for a sec over there"Lexi says with a fake smile as hope watches them step away before using her magic to distract the cops.

"Ohh Lexi is pissed"billy whistle with a smirk as Lexi raised an amused eyebrow at her mate.

The fake smile on lexi's face drops as she harshly grabs Hallies arms as she slams her against the wall in an alley by the entrance of the building.

"Ow! What the hell Lexi?!"Hallie yells in shock.

"Im done with you being an annoyance human "Lexi says coldy as she grabs Hallie harshly by the neck as the girl chokes at how tight Lexi was holding her neck before here eyes widen as her eyes turn darkish red as veins slither under her eyes as her fangs appear as she smirks tilting her head watching as Hallie trys to fight against her before she bites harshly into hallies neck as blood rushed down her neck.

Hallie was sobbing in Sidneys arms who glares at Lexi with hate "your a monster how could you just take a life like that!"she yells holding a sobbing Hallie.

Lexi shrugs with a smirk " she was in the way so I got rid of her"she says as billy wraps an arm around his mates shoulders with a smirk.

Elena turns to Stefan"don't you see Stefan how bad they are for you they are toxic"she says hopeing he will come to his senses.

Stefan looks at her Coldy"the only one here bad for me is you your nothing but a toxic human "he says wrapping his arm around Rebekah who smirks as Elena looks hurt while Damon glares at his brother.

She slowly drains Hallie as her fighting comes to a sluggish stop as he body goes limp as Lexi rips out her fangs before dropping her body to the ground as she looks at it coldy.

She then sets the body on fire as it burns to ashes as the flames disappeared as she smirks walking out the alley as the wind blows the ashes away.

"Alright so I compelled the cops to leave were ready to set the trap"hope says with a smirk as the hide as the care was left in the same spot as they watch Mickey slowly walk to the car seeing it was empty as he looks around as no one was in sight as crickets were heard before his head was smacked into the car knocking him out.

"Now for the game"Lexi says with a dark smirk as billy and Stu speed over grabbing an unconscious Mickey as they all speed to main building of the college as they left him in a hallway as the building was now gonna be there hunting ground for there prey.

"Oh it's getting good"kol says with a giddy smile as he shoved popcorn in his mouth.

"Its going to be awesome"Stu agreed as the two looked like let up Christmas trees as they shove popcorn in there mouths with smiles as many raised amused eyebrows while some glare.

Mickey wakes up with a groan looking around to see he was in a hallway as it was dark and empty.

"Welcome to your nightmare Mickey soon Mrs Loomis will goin us it's time for a little game called hunter and the prey were your the prey and this building is our hunting ground"Lexis voice was heard all around as she chuckles as lighting flashes outside as thunder rolls in.

"You are brilliant Lexi and hope" Rebekah smiles at her daughter and niece proudly.

"Always expect the unexpected mom"Lexi says with a smirk sharing looks with the others as they always have tricks up there sleeves.

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