the plan part 3

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Lexi and hope share smirks before vamp speeding to the house "okay it's time for the final part of the plan but we need to tie up the last two ends first"Lexi says as the for supernaturals in the room smirk.

Sidney runs to the van but freezes seeing blood drip from the closed door as she slowly walks towards it as she reaches out a hand before slowly opening it as her eyes widen in horror as she lets out a blood curdling scream there layed Kenny eyes frozen in fear as blood was everywhere with his organs out of his body before she cry's running off again.

Lexi watches from the darkness as Dewey and gale run back up the road to the house pale as she smirks it seems they found Neal's car she watches Dewey run into the house leaving gale by her self.

As gale panicks not seeing Kenny anywhere before freezing a slight whoosh behind her as she slowly turns as her eyes widen as Lexi smirks at her with blood down her chin."you know I hate Snoopy people they can't just seem to mind there own business"she says as she takes slow steps towards gale who backs away with fear seeing the darkness in the girls eyes.

Gale backs up to the van as she slams into as Lexi tilts her head as her eyes darken with her hybrid eyes glowing as veins slither down her face as her fangs show through her smirk as gale whimpers shaking her head before Lexi lunges with a hiss as gale trys to run but Lexi holds her against the van biting viciously in her neck as the women screams as blood flows down hee neck like a river before her head soon falls off her body as lexi stares at her body coldy.

Gale turns to Lexi with tearful eyes "you monster!"she yells as Lexi smirks shrugging her shoulders "all the best vampires and hybrids are bitch"she says as Dewey sits there in shock.

Rebekah turns to her husband with a raised an eyebrow"she got the ripper gene from you "she says as Stefan smirks at his wife.

Dewey checks through the house as the only sound was coming from the horror movie as he has his gun ready.

Billy appears behind him"looking for something "he says making Dewey whirl around before sighing it was just sidneys boyfriend."you scared me and what's going on were is everyone."he asked as Billy shrugs walks around him"don't know don't care "he says making Dewey frown something wasn't right.

Billy smirks before slowly turning to face Dewey"you know i never really loved Sidney well until now that is until a found the real love of my life "he says with his head tilted Dewey then notice blood on his shirt as he starts to back away.

Billy takes slow steps towards the human before a whooshing was heard as Dewey turns around to see Lexi who had blood all over her dress"just had a chat with your girlfriend sorry to say she doesn't have her head on straight"she says smirking as Dewey was confused while Billy smirks knowing what she ment.

"Sorry Dewey but we got to speed up our plan since it's almost time for the big finale but I'm afraid you won't be in it sorry not sorry"Lexi says with a smirk before Dewey screams in pain when Billy speed up behind him bitting into his neck viciously before Lexi speeds over biting into the other side as they drain him of blood before soon his head and an arm flat and ripped off as Dewey's body falls to the ground dead.

Billy looks up at his mate as he walks over as he pulls he rto him by the waist "man you sexy covered in blood"he says as Lexi hums.

Tatum cry's hugging her brother who was to shocked to speak while Stefan was glaring daggers at Billy's head as his wife chuckles.

Elena glares at the hybrid Lexi"your are heartless monster how can you just take someone's life like that!!"she yells with disgust.

The room suddenly goes cold as the mikaelsons,next generation,Billy, stu and Stefan smirk of this is going to be good. Lexi slowly stands up as she glares at Elena coldy "like how you and Damon with your little bitches were going to kill my uncle kol to make Jeremy's hunter mark grow wiping out his inter line your your no better then eye Elena but at least I don't hide behind a innocent smile and lies"she snarled throwing her hand out as Elena screamed falling to the ground as blood pulls out of her mouth.

Damon stands up"stop it now Lexi"he says with a hiss as she lets out a cold laugh "and you will always be to far up her ass even when you know I'm right cause you will never learn from your mistakes of the past"she says as he goes to speed towards her before suddenly his neck was snapped as his body falls to the ground as Lexi stares coldy at the two as she lets Elena go as she takes a huge gulf of breath as she sits there shaking with fear.

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