finale part 1

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Sidney runs back around the house but as she goes to run up the steps she freezes when ghosts face akane stu appears with a blood knife as he holds it in front of him as he drags his other hand cleaning it.

"No"she whispered before turning and running to Deweys car as stu followed her as she scrambled in closing the door as she rolls up the window quickly and locking the other door just as he goes to open it as he acts like he can't open it as the car rocks back and forth before he runs to the other side going to open it but she locked that one two.

She goes to turn on the car but the keys weren't there"shit!"she says just as stu taps the window with his knife gaining her attention as he jiggles the keys in his hand as her eyes go wide with dread as stu ducks down disappearing.

She sits there with fear just as the passenger doors lock pops up making her quickly re lock it getting into the passenger seat just before the drivers side lock pops open as she quickly leans over re locking it as she slowly leans back not noticing the trunk door slowly open as something black crawls in.

Just then the radio statics "7825 suspect at 105 North avenue 52"a women's voice was heard as Sidney quickly grabs the radio disbatch as she clicks a button "hello help me please I'm at stu markers house on Turner Lane. It's 261 Turner Lane please he's going to try and kill me"she crys into the radio.

Just then stu pops up throwing an arm around her neck as he chokes her against the seat before hitting him real good in the head as he loosens his grip before she quickly shoved his arm off and un locks the door and opening it as she tumbles out the car and scrambles up to her feet running forward.

She stoped whirling around as the killer was now no where in site before she quickly runs into the house and closed the door as she locks it crying.

"Why do I have a feeling this isn't gonna end well"kol says amused as Elena looks at him in disgust of course he would find this amusing.

Slow clapping is heard making her whirl around as Lexi was shown with blood all over her dress and chin "congratulations you made it sidney"she says with a sinister smile.

Sidney panicked looking around for something to protect her self before she sees Deweys gun on a table before grabbing it as she shakingly takes off the safety.

"Stay the hell back you freak!"she shouts with fear as the gun shakes in her hands.

Lexi laughs pushing her self "what you going to shoot me"she says mocking but before anything can happen Billy appears weak at the top of the stairs"sid"he says breathlessly before falling down the steps.

Sidney gasp rushing forward as she helps him up"it's ok it's okay"he whispered into her ear as he shares a look with Lexi before he secretly pulls out his knife and shoved it into her waist as Sidney gasp in pain and shock as she pulls away from Billy holding her waist as she looks at her boyfriend with betrayal"why"she says in pain.

The two laugh as Sidney shakes with fear"We'll explain don't you worry"Lexi says with a dark look in her eyes.

Sidney then trys to make a break for it as she runs towards the kitchen before smacking right into stu she looks up at him with hope"please stu you have to help me please"she pleads.

He stands there before pulling a voice changer box out holding it to his mouth pressing a button "surprise Sidney"her eyes widen in horror thats the voice that has been tormenting her as she steps back.

"Awe what's a matter Sidney cat got your tounge"hope says appearing beside Lexi as they all smirk at the frightened girl.

Klaus turns to his daughter and neice"I am so proud of y'all"he says as he pulls them into a hug as they laugh.

Sidney glares with tears"how can you be proud of this!"she yells standing up as Klaus turns to her with a cold look"cause it's who we are love"he says as Sidney shivers staring at the darkness in his eyes.

Sidney looks at each one with tears before running into the kitchen before screaming seeing the body's of Randy,glare and Dewey and wore her father piled up dead as the floor was covered in blood"no!!"she cry's falling backwards into the counter as the three followed her.

"You see Sidney I never loved you you were only part of a revenge plan that was started by your slut of mother"Billy says with a cold look.

Sidney shakes her head "my mother was not a slut why did you kill her."she cry's with a glare.

"Wow and I thought the Dopplebitch and my uncle Damon was dumb Sidney your mother was a slut she slept with everyone's husband broke up familys including his!"Lexy says harshly as Billy was bristleling with anger.

Elena glares heatedly"I am not dumb "she sneers as many scoffs as she looks at her friends watch n betrayal.

Sidney flinched back with tears she didn't want to be her mom was that kind of purpose"and you get to follow in her footsteps...with your death"Lexi and Billy say the last part together as Sidney looks at each one of them with fear she needed to get out of here and now.

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