putting one in there place

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Lexi is shown leaning against the wall as she smokes a cigarette as Debbie aka Mrs Loomis was talking to other reports as she was wearing a black v neck halter top that shows her waist with an open flannel top with a black leather mini skirt with heels as her hair with in an up and down style.

"Again we're getting rid of all your current clothes"Stefan says protective over his daughter as Rebekah and and Lexi roll there eyes at him.

She waits until Debbie walks away as she follows after the women Debbie here's someone following as she turns around.

"Hello dear how can I help you"Debbie says with a fake smile seeing its Lexi.

"I have to say the act was good Mrs Loomis"Lexi says as she remembers the pictures billy showed of his mom.

"Oh it's getting good"kol says giddy as he shoved popcorn in his mouth.

Mrs Loomis pales before putting on a nervous smile "I'm sorry I don't know what you're talking about"she says.

"It's pointless to lie to a heretic "hope says with a smirk as she and Lexi high fived.

"My daughter has a point we can hear a lie just by your heart beat"Rebekah says as her family and Stefan smirk at a scared Debbie and Mickey.

"You can drop the act Mickey already told me if y'all's little plan"Lexi says with a smirk as Debbie drops her act glareing at the teen.

Mrs loomis glares "you bitch you fucked up my revenge killing Sidney for what she did to my son"she says pulling out her knife but Lexi wasn't scared.

Sidney glares at Lexi if it wasn't for her she would still be alive as Tatum rubs her best friend shoulders in comfort.

"The bitch deserved it for what she tried to do to my mate"Lexi says as she smirks looking over the women's shoulder.

"You psycho bitch"Sidney spat as billy stands in front of Lexi hisses at his ex girlfriend "I rather be with her then your plain manipulative as"billy spat barring his fangs as Sidney gaps with tears.

Debbie gasp when someone grabbed her by the neck as billy pushed his mother into the all as she stares in shock as her son stood alive in front of her with a cold glare.

Lexi smiles gently laying a hand over his shoulder."see you son is alive cause of me"she says.

"But how"Mrs Loomis says with tears.

"Mates will do anything for each other"Lexi says leaning into billy as Lucinda smiles softly at her parents.

"Thats are little secret that you won't know for right now so here's what's gonna happen"Lexi says as she steps forward as her eyes dilated.

"You and Mickey will continue with your plan until the right time and you will forget billy is alive and what you saw"Lexi compelled as Debbie repeated before they vamp sped away.

Lexi and hope were then we're shown in the schools cafeteria as whispers can be heard around them as they ignore the ignorant humans around them.

"So what are you and Billy gonna do this weekend"hope asked as she snacks on her frees and shake.

"I don't know yet we might go visit my family I don't know"Lexi says eating some chips.

Soon there good day ends as Hallie walks over with a big smile as she sits down with her trey"hey guys"she says acting like they are friends before Mickey and Derek show up.

"Haven't they already made it clear they don't want to be friends with you"Lucinda says as her friends snort as Lexi raised an amused eyebrow at her daughter.

Elena glares "great parenting to your little parasite daughter"she spat before gasping as she was lifted up in the air as she chokes as Rebekah holds her up by her neck barring her teeth.

"Watch how you speak to my family you Dopplebitch"she hisses as she throws the bitch across the room into Damon who catches her.

Lexi looks at them Coldy "okay this is y'all's last warning we are not friends and if you keep pushing me and hope will make y'all regret being born come on hope lets go"she says coldy as chills went down there backs as she and hope get up leaving as they went off to let off some steam.

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