the hunters and the prey part 2

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Mickey looks around the dark hallway he was left in as flashes of lightning were shown outside as rain is heard as he slowly moved around the empty hall.

"Mikey"was whispered making him look around the empty hallway followed by giggles as he gulps counting forward down the dark hallway as Lexi was shown walking past a window with a flash of lighting before disappearing with a chuckle making him whirl around seeing nobody there.

"I'm having serious horror movie dejavu"Randy says with shivers remembering all the horror movies he watched.

"You do have that horror dramatic touch"hope says as Lexi smirks shrugging her shoulders.

"Your aunts right about that"jack whispered to Lucinda who nods her head in agreement.

Mrs Loomis was shown in a different part of the school laying on the ground as she groans awake holding her head sitting up she was in a white dress suit with heels.

"What the hell"she groans as the last thing she remembers was leaving the main building before she was hit heard in the head as she winced pulling her hand back seeing blood before looking around the empty hallway as she gets up before going to pull out her gun from her purse before seeing it gone as she huffs before making her way through the empty hallway.

Lexi was shown sitting in the deans desk having changed into black leather pants with knee high boots a cropped purple shirt showing off her waist with a short leather jacket with her feet kicked up on the desk as she leans back in the chair as she twirls her knife in her black nail polish hands.

Hope sat on the desk with black jeans shorts and fishnet stockings with boots and a red sleeveless top that hugged her body with a black jean jacket as her hair was in a high ponytail.

Stu and Billy sat around the office billy wearing a dark green v neck with jeans and combat boots with his leather jacket Stu wearing a white v neck with black jeans and boots with an open flannel.

"Let the games began"Lexi says licking her lip before they share smirks as lighting flashes with a clap of thunder.

"Oh here we go"kol says giddy as his siblings watched amused.

Mickey stumbled into one of the many class room as they were many rows of dex with an ile of stairs as he looks around the dark class room as lighting flashes with a roar of thunder.

"Mickey"was whispered making him look around before the project turns on as showing footage from the night in woodsboro as screams fill the air as Mickey watches with wide eyes at the brutal deaths before looking up were the footage was coming from before he makes his way up there.

"Wait my video camera that night "gale says remembering.

"Yeah I found it afterwards and thought why not keep it for scaring are pray of what's to come"Lexi says with a chuckle.

"Fuckin psycho"Sidney says I'm disbelief.

"That's Ms. Psycho to you bitch"Lexi snarls at her as sideny jumps back in fear as billy chuckles wrapping an arm around his mate.

He entered the projection room as the door creaks open as he slowly stepped in but sees no one there before laughter was heard making him step back out into the hall as a door slowly close to the sound recording room.

He slowly open the door stepping into the sound booth as he looks around as a door was shown closed to the main sound control room as the door also closed behind him making him whirl around banging on the door as it was locked making his heart beat race.

Humming is heard from the main control room as he slowly walks to the other door slowly opening it stepping inside as he looks through the darkness before hearing a whoosh before he was grabbed by the throat and thrown through the glass window falling into the sound booth as he groans as broken glass coverd the ground as hope and Lexi appeared out of the darkness with smirks.

"Damn nice throw baby"billy says with a whistle.

"What can I say I'm strong"Lexi says shrugging with a smirk.

"Awe poor little Mickey"Lexi fake pouts as she and hope stand on either side of him.

"Nice throw "hope says with a smirk as Lexi laughs as they look down at a groaning Mickey as blood pools underneath him.

"Hmm some shards must have stabbed him through the back"hope says tilting her head with a shrug before they each grab his arms as they drag him off somewheres to set up a surprise for Mrs Loomis.

"There's The dark and twistedness of the mikaelson"Klaus says proud of his daughter and niece Lexi.

"She gets it from me"Rebekah says leaning into Stefan who smiles at his mate.

Elena shakes her head "Stefan you can't seriously be okay with this they are bad for you this is not who you are"she says as many roll there eyes at the Doppleganger.

"Enough"Lexi says before snapping her fingers as a shocked Elena feels her face as her eyes widen her mouth was gone.

"What I got tired of her voice it was annoying"Lexi says at the amused looks she was getting as Damon cas down a freaked out Elena.

"I love your mom"jack says laughing as Lucinda and there friends roll there eyes amused.

"Dude you get better and better"Stu says with a laugh as they share smirks seeing the look of fear on there past victims faces.

Lexi and hope drag him into the science room as Lexi smirk getting an idea "come on let's put him on the desk"she says as they left up a groaning Mickey as they slam him onto the desk.

They look around before seeing some tools as they share dark smirks as hope pulls the tray over as Mickey groans as blood coated his teeth.

"Now Let's see whats in our test subject"hope says as Mickey whimpers shaking his head as Lexi grabs a scalpel knife as hope rips the black cloak and his shirt showing his waist.

"Hmm let's see"Lexi says as she first inserted the tool into his gut as she slowly Yanks up as he screams in agony as blood spills over as she reaches in grabbing a hold of his stomach as her hand was covered in blood as she drops it in a bucket hope sit aside before reaching in as she then takes out his organs one by one leaving the heart for last as Mickey lays there dying.

"She like each and everyone one of us sister calm and deadly with a sadistic side"Elijah says with a smirk as his family agrees watching the two proudly on the screen.

"No before you die we have a few things to do first we cut out your tongue"hope says as Lexi forced his jaw open as hope pulls his tongue as she cuts it with a knife as blood pools out his mouth "you will be mute"she says before she was handed the knife as she carved out his eyes "and blind in the afterlife"she says with a smirk before sewing his mouth and eyes shut.

"Brilliant"kol says with a grin clapping as hope and Lexi smirk standing up as the bow making there friends and family laugh.

"Now you die"hope says as she rips his heart out as his body goes limp as they chuckle darkly as light flashes with a clap of thunder.

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