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**** Vaishnavi ****

Meihu immediately rushed in a minute after the king left.

"Vaishu, what did the king say?" she asked anxiously, "Was he angry? Did he ask about you falling asleep?"

"Meihu...everything's fine," I said not wanting to go into specifics.

"Yeah but just tell me what happened," Meihu insisted. Meanwhile a few other girls arrived at the door.

"Can we come in, your highness," they asked.

"Send them away," whispered Meihu, "I need to talk to you."

"There really is nothing to talk Meihu," I said. "Of course, please come in," I smiled to the other women slightly annoying Meihu.

"Apologies your highness," said one of the girls, "for not waiting for you outside the bath chambers."

"That's fine," I smiled and assured.

"Was the king angry about us leaving you unattended?" asked Pallu.

"I don't think he is aware of that," I replied honestly.

"He would've deduced it based on the lack of jwellery and unbraided hair, your highness," said  another girl.

"Perhaps he didn't pay attention to that," I said.

"Was he too mesmerized by you?" asked Pallu smiling.

"Pallu stop it," the other girl nudged her arm. I smiled.

"May I know your names?" I asked.

"Of course your highness," said the girl. "This is Pallavi, Pallu, who is also my little sister," she introduced. Pallavi and I exchanged smiles. "And I am Sruthi," she continued. "And the one behind me," she said referring to a girl who hasn't spoken to me yet, "Her name is Naina. She is a little shy."

"Hi Naina," I greeted.

"Hi your highness," she smiled shyly.

"Now that you know all of us," said Sruthi, "What are our plans your highness? We can talk, play games, or if you have other hobbies we can...."

"As much as I would enjoy all of that," I interrupted, "I am a little tired. Would it be okay if I ask to be left alone for a while?"

"Of course, your highness," said Sruthi, "Anything you say would be okay."

Meanwhile one of the guards knocked on the door.

"Come in," I said.

"Your highness," he respectfully bowed, "The King requested to see you."

"Requested?" Sruthi whispered, impressed by the choice of words. 

So was I

"Now?" I asked.

"At a time of your convinience, your highness," replied the messenger.

"Wow," Sruthi whispered again impressed.

"Tell the king I am on my way," I replied. The messenger nodded and left.

"You said you wish to be left alone!" Pallu said offended.

"Shh Pallu," Sruthi warned again.

"Forgive her, your highness," she said and stepped away to give me way. I could hear Sruthi and Pallu giggling to themselves. They seem to be genuinely happy about the way the king respected me.

*** Adinath ***

"The queen is on her way, your highness," the messenger informed and I found myself involuntarily looking at the mirror to see if I look alright. Nanda noticed it and let out a smile which quickly disappeared when I looked at him.

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