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*** Nanda ***

"You shouldn't have stopped me," I stated as Adi and I walked back to the tower.

"If I didn't stop you, the throat you would be slitting would be that of Verma, not of his father," Adi replied, "And why gain the dark reputation of killing a great warrior off the battle field when we have a very high chance of winning the battle ethically."

I fell silent. 

He is right! That would've been a black mark on not just me but the Nine Kingdoms.

Having said that, this idiot still needs to be punished for all the stupid decisions he took today.

He was bloody ready to kneel!

The very thought is still making my blood boil. 

I looked at a distance. All our soldiers have already made their way into the tower as they are closer to it. I looked behind, our enemies had already left.

What better time to smack his head....except the crown....I can't hit him while the crown is on his head....that's disrespectful to the throne.

"My hair is gorgeous, isn't it?" I said taking down my helmet and ruffling my hand through.

"You are delusional," Adi stated as those words triggered his ego, "My hair is more...." he was about to take down the crown to prove his point but stopped. 

The idiot probably figured out my plan.

"My hair is more gorgeous," he simply stated still holding onto the crown.

"Prove it," I still tried.

"Theories need to be proved. Facts need to be stated," he said and continued to walk as we neared the tower.

"Forgetting something, your highness?" I asked before he could enter.

*** Adinath ***

"Forgetting something, your highness?"

Oh Damn! 

The rules. Once we step into the battlefield, we are not allowed to enter the tower back without entering the mandir first and thanking Mahadev for keeping us alive and I need to take down the crown before I could even enter the mandir. It is a sign of respect for the God.

I looked at my brother's eyes. His expression turned sinister and his anger is clearly evident. I wouldn't be surprised if he chases me all around the temple with a stick.

Think Adi, think!

I looked at the soldier standing at a distance. 

"Everyone needs Mahadev's blessings, gather around," I said and the soldiers immediately came forward and then only then when I am confident that I am protected, I took down my crown.

My stupid brother obviously won't hit me with people around.

"Thank you Mahadev," I thought to myself as I joined my hands after entering the temple, "For giving me the validation and for keeping my people safe. Please bless us with victory and end the war soon. My heart is longing to go back and reunite with my soul."


"Your highness," the N7 commander came forward and bowed the moment we entered the towers.  

"What happened commander?" I immediately asked.

"We were on our way to N6, your highness," he replied, "but then we met the soldiers from the capital and rushed back as soon as we can. I apologize for being late."

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