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This is my third favorite chapter and the chapter that took me the longest to complete ~ around 2 weeks and challenged me the most intellectually.

Hopefully you all like it. Please vote and comment more. Let's have a target of 300 comments and 700 votes and let's see if we could get to TOP 10 again!

*** Sruthi ***

"Allow us to go Veeru...." Naina asked once again like a little girl.

"For the third time, Naina," Veer said slightly annoyed, "I am not the one stopping you. There literally are no seats available."

"Just let us in and we will force...I mean convince," she corrected, "People to adjust...."

Veer rolled his eyes. "No," he said firmly.

"But Veeru...."

"Naina don't compel me to use my authority on you," Veer warned trying hard to keep his calm, "it won't end good."

"Fine, stay useless," Naina stated before yelling outloud for the general, getting his attention.

"What's going on?" the general said walking towards us after dismissing the soldier he was talking to.

"Officer Veer is not letting us in," she complained.

"Sir they did not make any reservations," Veer explained, "all the first five rows were already reserved days before."

"All 5?" the general asked surprised, "by whom?"

"The intellectuals," Veer answered, "for their families and friends."

"Of course," the general rolled his eyes, "what better way to influence the crowd."

"Did you bring any women to be your accomplice?" he asked turning towards Veer referring to the special rule that was made for today which allows for every guarding soldier to bring any women from his family to be by his side.

"My mother is here sir," Veer replied, "but I got her a seat in the crowd as she is too old to be standing by my side for long."

"My parents are in the crowd as well," Nanda nodded.

"Take Sruthi as your accomplice," he ordered, "I'll take Naina."

"No I'll take Naina," Veer opposed. "I mean....it's an open fact that Sruthi and I don't get along," he hesitantly added the moment the general looked at him with suspicion.

"You okay with that?" the general asked turning towards Naina.

"Fine, whatever," Naina said pretending to be least interested.

"Alright then, take Naina," he said and turned towards me signalling me to follow him and I found myself standing closest to the stage with the general by my side while Naina and Veer stood at a little distance away from us on the same horizontal line.

"Why do you hate the intellectuals so much?" I asked Kanda out of curiosity.

"You are going to find out soon," the general said signalling to the front and I saw the five intellectuals just walk in.

"You are going to find out soon," the general said signalling to the front and I saw the five intellectuals just walk in

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