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*** Vaishnavi ****

The general left with Sruthi closing the door behind him and Adi immediately walked towards me.

"You thought of fighting with me to avoid the conversation?" he asked angrily.

"Of course not," I replied, "Pallu was just saying random...."

"You thought of lying to me?" he asked again.

I shook my head. 

"But I do not want to tell the truth either," I slowly replied.

"Why Vaishu?" Adi asked frustrated, "I am your husband. I deserve to know."

"Why....do you want to know about terrible memories of my past," I hesitantly opposed, "It is over and I-"

I immediately felt his hand raise and flinched taking a step back. 

The familiar feeling of fear came back into my heart but soon realized that I was not being hit. In fact, he did not even move his hand in my direction. He moved it upwards, but the swift moment made me assume that I was in danger.

"I did not raise my hand against you, Vaishu," Adi said calmly, "Never did. Never will. "Yet that was your first thought, was it not?" he asked.

I remained silent.

"The scars of your past are still affecting our marriage," Adi added, "Which is why, at the very least I deserve to know who is responsible for it."

I took a while to contemplate on whether I should answer his question. Adi waited patiently.

"Aishwarya," I slowly replied and I could feel my anxiety coming back, "My sister."

"Why would your sis-"

"Please do not ask any more questions," I immediately interrupted. 

I cannot think about my sister anymore. I do not want to have a panic attack, not infront of Adi.

 Adi did not ask any further questions but the damage was already done. I could feel my heart beat rising, my palms sweating and my breath increasing.

I decided to leave before everything gets worse.

"I will....see you later," I said and was about to leave but Adi stopped me.

I feared he would continue to ask more questions but he just had one question.

"To cry or to forget?" he asked.

"I am tired of crying," I replied honestly although I am well aware that that is what is going to eventually happen. 

"Want to battle with me?" Adi asked giving me his sword. The sudden unexpected question immediately distracted my mind.

I looked at him and it felt like he genuinely wanted to help. He is giving me an excuse to forget everything and at this moment, that is exactly what I want.

I love this man so very much!

"Sure," I replied. Adi smiled, gave me his sword and took a step back to pull another sword that was hanging on the wall.

"Ready...in 3...2...1" he counted and the battle began.

*** Sruthi ***

"Look at my fate," said the general angrily looking at me and Naina, after he calmly asked Pallu to leave, "Got rid of one witch and found two instead."

"Are you seriously comparing us with Meihu?" I asked annoyed.

"Well you seem to give the queen the same stupid suggestions," he counterd.

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