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This is such a chaotic chapter and I had so much fun writing it. Hope you like it too.

*** Sruthi ***

"Do you not have any sense of time?" 

Nanda's eyes immediately shot up the moment I said those words. 

Even Pratap who was guarding the Paradise hit his hand on his forehead at my stupidity.

(Note: Incase you forgot, Pratap is Veer's friend)

Perhaps I took our so called friendship way too seriously. 

I was annoyed that he kept me waiting for 30 minutes, but still.....I shouldn't have said that...after all he is the....

"I am sorry princess," Nanda simply replied.

"Is that...." I asked hesitantly, "Is that...sarcasm?"

"No, it's not," he honestly answered, "I was busy with a last minute commitment, should've kept you informed, I did not and for that I am sorry."

I blinked twice.

Is this a dream!

No let's not even go there..........

"Shall we go?" his next question got back my attention.

I shook my head.

"It's past sunset and I am afraid of the dark," I reminded.

"Oh so that's why...." Pratap exclaimed but fell silent the moment the general angrily glared at him.

"Every room inside is well lit up," the general said turning towards me, "I personally made sure of it."

My heart melted at his words. 

Wonder what is the nearest auspicous day to get married.....

No Sruthi, stop getting up your expectations.

I looked at him trying to maintain as neutral of an expression as possible and the general extended his hand towards me, making me once again, feel like some royal princess. Pratap and the other soldiers simultaneously opened the double doors and bowed down as we walked past.

Perhaps this is what being a Queen feels like.....

*** Nanda ***

"This one?" Sruthi asked pointing towards one of the rooms.

"Yes," I nodded, "Open it!"

"It's not dark, right?" she asked hesitantly.

"No, I promise," I smiled and she reluctantly turned around and opened the door and her eyes lit up in awe.

The chamber of illusions!

A room full of mirrors that shows reflections in various shapes and forms. The most beautiful place on earth, always had my doubts on that but not anymore, with Sruthi's reflection at every corner and her beautiful face surrounding me, capturing my heart, my eyes and my soul, this is surely paradise on earth.....

My thoughts were interrupted when I could see Sruthi's reflection almost smile but pause to look at me through one of the mirrors.

Right, the bet! The obligation! My forever hell!

I relucantly looked away, the very action hurting every ounce of my existence.

Meanwhile a sudden knock on the door interrupted us and I turned back to find Veer standing outside.

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