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This is the bgm I had in mind while writing some scenes in this chapter :)

Target: 800 votes and 400 comments, let's go!

*** Adinath ***

"What?"  I murmered, confused when I saw no attending maids or royal soldiers inside our resting chambers. 

One would assume, Vaishu would receive a warm welcome after her spectactular victory but even the basic staff weren't present, let alone additional people. It is not even like there are hiding somewhere, because if they were, I would certainly be able to hear them, if not see.

Did Vaishu ask them to not standby? 

I turned back to ask her but to my surprise, she looked equally confused, but I noticed her quickly change expressions, as if she realized something.

"What?" I asked, "Do you know why this happened?"

Vaishu shook her head, closed the door, immediately ran towards me, and fell into my arms, forcing me to take a step back to balance.....perhaps the only time a warrior would consider retreat a victory....and hugging me as tightly as she could....

The tight hold of her hands at the back of my shirt, the way her chin firmly rests on my shoulder, and her eyes closed shut standing as a clear indication of how much she wanted to hug me and how much she had been holding back.

I tightened my arms around her embracing her completely and I could fell her holding me tighter, getting emotional and trying to hold back her tears....the only kind of tears I would want my Queen to have.....the sweet tears of joy and victory....

"You...you were right," she slowly whispered.

"About?" I asked.

"Chaos," she answered and took a step back, to now look into my eyes before continuing, "I witnessed it and It's beautiful."

I smiled.

"Calmness is also beautiful," she added.

"You witnessed calmness?" I asked amused, "Amongst the crowd that went completely out of control in the court today?"

"Yes," Vaishu nodded, "the moment I looked at you."

I chuckled at that statement.

Me? Calmness? The entire Nine Kingdoms would beg to differ!

"I really did, I promise," Vaishu said innocently melting my heart once again.

"Oh Mahadev," I said holding her adorable face in my hands, "Is this the same Miss. Vaishnavi that brought all the intellectuals to their knees?"

"Mrs. Vaishnavi Adinath," Vaishu corrected and despite my best efforts, I couldn't resist my desire to annoy her.

My wife, the personification of paradoxes, has successfully turned me into a paradox. When she is naive, I crave to see her be fierce, when I see her fierce, I crave to bring back the innoncence, when I see her confused, I crave to bring back the calmness, and when I see her calm, I crave to bring back the chaos. 

Perhaps because I love her so very much in all her emotions, that I myself do not know what is the one that I truly desire to see....what a blessed trouble to have?

"Since when?" I asked pretending to be angry, "You already renounced the crown, not to mention our marriage and my name that comes with it."

"That was for the debate," Vaishu innocently argued.

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