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*** Vaishnavi ***

"Pallu, are you sure we are going the right direction?" I asked as Pallu navigated through the pathway that looks very abandoned and creepy.

"Trust me, your highness, I'd know" said Pallu, "I've sneaked in here multiple times.....always stopped right infront of the door." "Only the king and general can get in,". she said in a low pitch imitating the guards voice.

"Then why are we going?" I asked, "Aren't they going to stop us."

"They wouldn't dare, you are the queen," Pallu reminded, "Just follow my lead." "...Or....I'll follow yours," she said and hid behind me when we approached the big main door with the scary looking soldiers.

I looked at the soldiers still uncertain if we would be let in. To my surprise, they bowed and opened the door.

"Yayyy" Pallu shouted. "Try stopping me now....try stopping me now...." she sang and taunted the soldiers as she walked in.

"Sorry," I apologized on behalf of Pallu and followed her inside and was astonished at what I saw.

A room full of colorful plants and tiny trees I've never ever seen in my life. A swing right in the middle decorated with flowers. Sunlight stratergically falling through the ceiling to create patterns on the floor. A water fountain on one side of the wall that was cleverly designed to look real.

"Wow," I whispered.

"This is only the first chamber, your highness," said Pallu. "Wait till you see the chamber of illusions," she said and dragged me further inside leading me to one of the rooms which was even more surprising.

It was a room filled with mirrors, not just any mirrors but special mirrors. Each mirror showed me in a different light. One made me look taller, one made me look shorter, one made me look stout, one made me look thin, one made me look curved and there seem to be so many mirrors that it would take me a few minutes to even have a look at each of them.

While I was still in awe, I heard some footsteps. Pallavi immediately ran away and hid herself in a corner and I turned back to see who it was. General Nanda!

"Your highess, what are you doing here?" he asked.

"I...uh...got lost..." I lied to not get Pallu in trouble.

"Totally possible," the general smiled. "Given that you are guided by a little girl who thinks she could be invisible in a room full of mirrors," he said a little louder to make sure Pallu heard it.

Pallu immediately screamed and started running in the opposite direction.

"Dead end, sweetheart," the general stated and Pallu was left with no choice but to come face the general. She slowly walked towards us.

"Greetings general," she said and bowed lower than usual as a sign of respect.

"Too much respect would only increase my suspicion," the general said and Pallu immediately stood up straight.

"It's technically not a crime to be here  if..." Pallu tried to explain.

"Spare the explanation Miss. Pallavi," the general interrupted, "I truly do not care and have absolutely no desire to imprison you."

"Oh..." said Pallu surprised, "So...I can go now?"

"Of course," said the general and stepped aside.

"...Like you won't kill me..." Pallu asked again.

"I might if you stay," the general said and Pallu immediately ran outside. 

"Kids," the general chucked and I smiled along.

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