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The siblings had convened in the living room, all surrounding the bar. Annalise was busy twirling on one of the bar stools, stopping occasionally to un-dizzy herself and spin the other way. It was the simple things, I guess.

Allison had handed out coffees, "Three days?"

She stuck her hand out to the girl, a disposable cup exactly like the others. Annalise shook her head, her nose scrunching. She despises the taste of coffee. That was until Allison had smiled a little and turned the cup around, showing the scribbling of "hot chocolate".

"Oooh Merci!" Annalise took the drink and happily started sipping her way through the sugary drink.

Luther leaned against the bar, "That's what Five said."

"The old bastard did mention the apocalypse come to think of it. He just left the part out about how soon."

"But can we trust him? I mean, I don't know if you noticed but Five's a little," She made a cuckoo whistle, signaling what the other siblings had seen over the past few days.

"Our little psycho!" Klaus said without hesitance. It didn't take long for the words to click and his brows to raise a little, snapping his head towards Annalise, seeing her frowning, "No offense, Annie." Her mouth opened to protest, but Luther cut her off before she could get a chance.

"He was pretty convincing. And if he wasn't trying to stop an apocalypse from happening those two lunatics wouldn't be chasing after him." Luther said.

Diego's head tilted down, "That's why they were after him?"

"Yeah," Luther sighed out, he could help but sneak a glance at Annalise, knowing what had happened to her at the academy and the days following filled him with guilt.

Allison couldn't help but scoff and ask, "What did Five even see?"

"E-et euh, où est-il exactement? Il n'a pas besoin de faire partie de ça aussi? On n'a pas besoin de lui pour ça?" Annalise questioned, turning her head to look at all of her siblings to try to get a nonverbal answer.

There was a pause, everyone's eyes on Luther while he just stared back in bewilderment, "Uhh, apparently, we all fought together against whoever was responsible." He slowly explained. Everyone still stared and waited, waiting for him to continue and answer Annalise's question.

But there was nothing else.

Luther cleared his throat and quickly stood, "Okay, so here's the plan, uh we go through dad's research, and we-" "Woah woah woah-" "Wait hold on-" "Luther, where-" "Wait a tick, wait a tick-" Everyone spoke over each other, trying to pull more info from him.

Klaus finally asked the question in all the siblings' minds, "What actually happened the first time around?"

Annalise hopped down from her chair, stepping forward adamantly, "And where is Cinq?" Maybe she would get a response if she spoke in english?

"Yeah, what are you not telling us? C'mon big boy, spit it out." Diego couldn't help the dig at his sibling.

Luther's eyes darted past his siblings, brows pushed together in fear. He looked down at his drink again, sighing before softly letting out, "we died," and immediately put the cup to his lips.

"What was that?" Allison said while Annalise just stared back, her jaw dropped, "Excusez moi?"

He let out a small cough, "I said uh, we died."

It was like time itself stopped. 

Annalise stumbled backwards, dropping her cup on the floor not even noticing as her slippers got covered in the chocolatey drink. Allison stuck out a hand to catch her, placing it on her shoulder as she regained her balance. All she could do was stare at Luther in disbelief, he didn't even tell her. Her hands covered her mouth as she crouched down to the ground, staring at the floor as her brain started to reel.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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