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Vanya was slowly making her way downstairs as she caught the last bit of her sister's phone call.

"Is Claire there?" Allison asked into the phone, "Yes, I would like to say hello to my daughter if that's alright with you..." There was a short silence, before Allison started to protest, "No- Patrick- Don't-!" She slams the receiver onto the handle, not noticing Vanya hovering at the bottom of the stairs.

"Are you okay?" Vanya asks, being polite.

Allison sighs before responding, "Yeah." She turns to face Vanya as she starts to speak.

"Well I've never met your ex-husband, but... he sounds like an asshole," Vanya says tentatively, hoping she didn't upset her sister.

"That's one word for it," Allison says quietly.

Vanya shrugs, trying to make the best out of a sour situation, "You know what? You're probably better off here."

"No, I'm probably better off with my daughter." Allison snaps.

Vanya is quick to start apologizing, her voice low with embarrassment. "Of course, um, I'm sorry, I didn't-"

Allison cuts her off, "You know, if I wanted advice, Vanya, no offense, but it wouldn't be from you."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"You don't have a child. I mean, you've never even been in a relationship."

"That's not true," Allison wasn't even there for nearly a third of Vanya's life, how would she know what Vayna's relationships have or haven't been.

"So you know what it's like to love someone like this? Like when you're apart from her you can't breathe? Like you- you would die -and I mean actually die- to know that she's okay and happy. I mean, you separate yourself from everyone and everything, you always have." Vanya looks down, not knowing how to reply, but Allison doesn't give her the chance as she speaks again.

"Oh, I forgot, Annalise. She's basically like your kid, isn't she? But she's not, though, so stop treating her like she's a child. I get that you guys are living together and everything, but she's just as old as we are and needs to learn how to be on her own too." She heads toward the stairs before turning around, "You're an adult now Vanya. You don't get to blame your problems on anyone but yourself."

Vanya, being too weak to stand up for herself, doesn't move from her spot, speechless. It isn't until she hears Allison slam a door behind her when she snaps out of her daze and turns to go retrieve Annalise from upstairs. She stops midstep, thinking over Allison's words before she turns around and leaves the Academy.

'Annalise will make her way back home, probably with Five, it's fine.'


Klaus, Five, and Annalise were making their way up the tall MeriTech, waiting for the elevator to reach the correct floor. Klaus was humming along with the elevator music, nodding his head with the beat. Five sent Klaus a glare that he ignored, unbothered by the annoyance radiating off his brother in waves. Annalise leaned against the metal wall, fiddling with her dress. She was prepared for the two in front of her to break out into a brawl, staying alert in case she needed to create clones within a moment's notice.

The elevator sounded with a 'ding' once again, revealing the bright pristine office. The walls behind the receptionist being entirely windows gave you a view of the city while consecutively making the floor seem open and spacious. Annalise took the time to inwardly applaud the contractors, her appreciation of smart decor and design making her point out all sorts of intricacies.

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