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Annalise had snuck down to the kitchen, she thought it was weird how now that their father wasn't here to enforce the rules, it made sneaking around feel silly. She and Mom had made the perfect chocolate chip cookies and now that they were cooled, she could effectively ham out without Vanya scolding her for being unhealthy. Currently, Annalise was sitting at the kitchen island, with a plate of cookies and a glass of milk sitting in front of her.

She was humming that tune that she'd had stuck in her head, she still couldn't remember where it came from though. She dunked a cookie in her milk before taking a big bite out of it. She smiled and closed her eyes, reveling in the taste of Mom's heavenly cookies. It was then that she decided to take her plate and milk, carefully making her way up the stairs, watching her feet the whole way.

She had successfully made her way up both sets of stairs without dropping a cookie or spilling her milk. She did a little (careful) dance as she turned left, towards her bedroom. Her humming stopped when she saw movement out of the corner of her eye. She spun around, holding out a cookie as she said, "Oh, Luther! Maman et moi avons fait des cookies! Ton préféré!"

Her smile dropped as she fully turned to see two people in animal masks, cocking their guns and aiming them right at her. Her body became numb, only focusing on the fact that she very well may die in the next three seconds. The tableware fell from her grasp, shattering on the ground and spilling milk all over the floor. Her voice came out in a high pitched scream as she turned and bolted to her bedroom, gunshots following close behind.

Deigo, only being a few steps behind her in the hall, dashed right to the sound, slinging two knives in the direction as he glanced to the left, to Annalise's room. He'd hoped he was able to grab Annalise and book it, but she had closed herself up in her bedroom and he had a feeling it would take too long to get her to calm down and open the door to him.

He backtracked down the hallway, leaning against the wall and forming a plan. He was hoping to get a place of cover while also getting the chance to ambush the two as they came to attack him. As long as he can get them away from Annalise, he's doin' good in his book.

The bigger one steps right into Diego's plot, as he had the chance to jump out and get a relatively good hit on him and knock his weapon out of his hand. The man was good at dodging, though, so he couldn't get as many blows on him ad he'd liked. He jumped up, grabbing hold of his shoulders and trying to headbutt him, though all it does it hurt him as a loud 'twang' sounds from the mask. Metal.

"Cha-Cha, shoot him!" He hears, "Get outta the way, dumbass."

He kicks the man, knocking him against the wall and putting distance between the two. Gunshots sound right behind him, and all he can do is run down the stairs, hoping Annalise would be fine and both the intruders would follow after him.

"C'mon!" one of them says before turning down the hallway to chase after Diego. Gunshots are right on his tail, making him jump over the railing and land facefirst onto a couch with an 'oof' but he has no time to waste as he rolls to the floor and uses the back of the other couch as cover. He stills, listening to the footsteps making their way closer to him. Realization dawns on him just in time, he scoots over to the corner of the couch, curling in a ball to avoid the gunshots rippling through the couch.

The gunshots stop suddenly as Luther grabs the one in the pink mask and tosses her into the entrance hall. Allison comes flying towards the other, kicking the gun out of his hands and kicking him in the chest. The man grabs hold of Allison by the throat, squeezing as hard as he can. Diego comes from the back of the couch, landing punches on the intruder in an attempt to get him off of Allison. Though the attempts seem to be in vain as he doesn't loosen his grip at all. Luther then appears, knocking into the man and throwing him across the room, back into the hall.

𝐌𝐨𝐧 𝐃𝐨𝐮𝐱 𝐂𝐢𝐧𝐪Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon