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Annalise and Klaus had gone to the living room, but not without Klaus stopping into Allison's room to grab an old skirt. Klaus immediately moved to the bar and lit a blunt, pouring a drink for himself; while Annalise had opted for sitting on the floor by Vanya's legs. Vanya, out of instinct, stroked the girl's head as a way to ask her if she was doing alright. Annalise looked to her and gave a weak smile, knowing by the way Vanya's expression had softened when she noticed her tear stricken face and red eyes, but she hadn't commented.

Unbeknownst to them, everyone in the room, except for Klaus, as he was still helping himself to the bar, had watched the exchange. Luther's brows lifted slightly; this being the first time he'd seen Annalise in years and she not only still looked like a ten-year-old girl, but he realized that the time that she and Vanya had spent together created a bond that would rival any sibling relationship she may have with the rest of them. One might even say that they seemed more like mother and daughter than sisters. Diego was still irritated that the two had left and Vanya had spilled all the family secrets in her book, but he'd be lying if he said that his stomach didn't tug at the sight of Annalise with the remnants of tears on her face. Allison watched the two with envy coursing through her veins. She wished to be close to her sisters, to have a relationship that didn't reward her with odd looks whenever she was sweet to them; adulthood had opened her eyes, showing her exactly how much of a sister relationship she missed. All the times that Annalise and Vanya were spending together playing their instruments and learning from each other, Allison was busy with things like fashion, makeup, and boys(Luther, to be exact).

"Um, I guess we should get this started," Luther stood up, catching the attention of everyone in the room, "So I figured we could have a sort of memorial service in the courtyard at sundown, say a few words at Dad's favorite spot."

Annalise looked up questioningly, mumbling, "Endroit favori?"

"Dad had a favorite spot?" Allison spoke at the same time, her volume overpowering Annalise's.

Luther nods a little, "You know, under the oak tree."

The room quiets and becomes uncomfortable; everyone knew Luther was the favorite, but sometimes Luther himself didn't realize that he got special treatment, "We used to sit out there all the time. None of you ever did that?" Klaus decided then to make an appearance, with his smoke in one hand and a drink and some sort of trophy in the other.

"Will there be any refreshments? Tea? Scones? Cucumber sandwiches are always a winner," he finishes with a smile as he hands Annalise the drink to hold for him. Vanya promptly takes the drink from her hands and puts it on the end table on the opposite side of the couch.

"What? No. And put that out, you know Dad didn't allow smoking in here."

Allison cuts Luther off quickly, "Is that my skirt?" Her exclamation is no surprise to Annalise, who nods to her knowing that she probably wouldn't respond to her.

"Huh? Oh, yeah, this," Klaus shows off the skirt a little, "I found it in your room, Annalise offered one of hers but she's too tiny. Anyways, It's a little dated, I know, but, it's very breathey on the... bits." Annalise can't help but giggle a little, hiding it behind her hand.

Luther, quick to shut down the comical air, cuts him off with his feeling of superiority, "Listen up. There's still some important things that we need to discuss, all right?"

Diego seems to find his voice as he speaks up in the discussion for the first time, "Like what?" he shoots.

"Like the way he died." Luther promptly responded. Annalise shakes her head as she realized that the two were still trying to fight each other over power, just like when they were kids.

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