Chris then came out and enquired about how Anika ended up here.......

The nurse narrated the whole incident happened yesterday night........Chris just now got relaxed and he too came to know that Aarav didn't revealed that Anika is his they organised a medical camp in the nearby village Chris has to go for it as he is the head in charge......for the camp he has to stay there for 2 days with some doctors......Chris came to know that Anika won't wake in his he was so sure that Aarav can't get close to her .......then he went to the camp........

At the ICU

Aarav slowly woke up due to the sun light falling directly into him........he woke up and went to freshen up......then he came back in his doctor attire and did some check up in her.......she showed a good improving progress.........if she show this much quick recovery then she will gain conscious by tomorrow itself.........then he injected some medicine in her iv and went for rounds.......

Like this he spent his morning session and he came to Anika in the lunch hour and again did a check up......he was amazed by her improvement in her health and how strong she is ........
He was praying that when she wake up she should not remember those things that happened........

Because it will lead to panick attacks and some psychological issues.......he wants her to not remember those memories.......

He then again injected some medicine in her iv and went to his cabin telling a nurse to take care of her.......

At night 9 o clock

Aarav finished all his work and again came back to her cabin......he is impressed a lot and she is stable she can gain conscious at any time......he then prepared an intramuscular injection and came near her .......he slowly turned her to the side and pulled her pants a little down which is sufficient for him to give injection........

Aarav: if you were awake now I'm sure that you will create a whole movie of tantrums here itself......

Saying these he smiled......

He then rubbed the disinfectant in her butt and slowly injected........when he pushed the medicine further in he heard a whimpering sound.........he saw Anika was gaining her consciousness......

Aarav: Anika it's ok.....relax.....relax ....I'm here relax...

Anika:(low voice)ahhhh.......

Aarav: done....done.....

Then he was rubbing her injected part.......Anika then slowly opened her eyes suddenly all the flashback of what happened to her came to her mind .......

Anika:(scared and screaming) please don't touch me......don't touch me....I want to go to Aarav..........he must be waiting for me ......

Now Aarav got scared .......the thing for which he prayed not to happen is happening now.......

Aarav:Anika see.....come on open your eyes.....I'm here......your Aarav is here ......come on see me.....(shaking her)......

Anika was still shouting and was screaming....

Aarav now has no make come out of her imagination he  slapped her.........

Anika now opened her eyes and saw Aarav standing near her.....

Anika:(crying and hugged him tightly) Aarav........Aarav.....I thought  I'm not gonna meet you ...... I was so scared....they touched me....they made me dirty ..........I'm sorry......

When Anika hugged him he felt butterflies in him and it was the first time that they hugged each other........

Aarav: Anika see......I'm here na.....who told you that they made you not at all......I won't allow for that.....see you are so are not at all come on be my good girl and don't cry .......

Anika: (crying) I can't Aarav.......they all touched me wrongly........even I was unconscious I was able to feel their touch......they touched in my stomach, chest

Aarav: shhhhh.......noo they didn't did anything to you and now they are in lockup ........I will ake sure that they will be punished come on see me  ....... concentrate only on me.....

Anika then slowly calmed down and see him.......

Aarav: come on now follow me..breathe in....breathe out .....breathe in...breathe out.....

she did what he said but she was still sitting like a stone......

Aarav: now come on try to sleep.....

Anika: I can't ... whenever I close my eyes I'm getting the flash back.......please don't tell me to sleep.....

Aarav: see if you didn't sleep how will you recover......


Aarav: ok wait.....I have a solution.....will you take one small. injection will really help you to sleep........

Anika nodded suddenly yes .......

He then went to prepare a sedation for her.......he prepared a strong dose of it and came near her and rolled her sleeves up.....

Anika: (teary eyes) please don't leave me after I sleep.......I'm scared..... please this is my only request....

Aarav: don't worry I won't leave you ..........

He then rubbed the disinfectant in her arms and slowly injected......

Anika made some whimpering sound and cried a little while grabbing the bedsheets tightly........

Aarav then unknowingly side hugged her himself.....

Aarav: ok now come on sleep.....

Anika: please don't leave me.....please don't .....(slept)......

Aarav was feeling so pity on her......even in any situation she would not have agreed to take the injection at any cost.........but now she was scared to sleep and that's why she agreed for the this situation she only  needs care and words of pamper ..........except him none is there to take care of a doctor he understood her he is in the middle to hate her or to show care towards her .........
As a doctor he decided to show her care for now ......for now his first priority was her recovery........he just need her to be fit and fine like before.......

Then Aarav went to the sofa and slept there in her room itself........

I'm really sorry......I don't know what I'm writing.......if you can't understand then please do ask me through comment.......really I'm not satisfied with this story......I'm planning to end this story  in 20 th chapter .......I'm planning something but I'm writing some other thing .......I don't know if you get the story or not......

Even I felt first he hate her, now loving and showing care towards her and I don't how I will end's going on ......

That's all........


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