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After the nurse went out was waiting there until Anika slept.....he was impatiently waiting for her ....but she was continuously crying and finally atlast she fell asleep...........

Aarav then slowly enter into her room......

Aarav: I'm sorry for standing simply there after seeing you cry.......please forgive me...... It was all my plan and day after  tomorrow you are going to cry even more......I'm sorry in advance for that ........I'm doing this because I need you in my life.....I'm regretting what I have done to you in the past.......once we got together then you can give me whatever punishment you want .....but please come back to me.......I want to pamper you and love you........then he slep near her in the bed while hugging her.......

she is just a deep sleeper that's why she didn't woke up.........

As usual before she woke up Aarav left to his home........

The nurse came to Anika's room then and as soon as she woke up she started to investigate about Aarav........

Anika: Nurse Dr. Aarav came.......

Nurse: no mam.....

Anika was very low when she heard the nurse answer..........she barely had some food for breakfast ....but she didn't had anything for lunch and dinner.......

Aarav called every hourse to Anika's personal nurse and ask about her......the nurse reply made him a bit sad for doing this to her.......on the other hand Anika started missing himm more..........that day even barely she communicated.........

At night the nurse gave her medicine and she slept......

The nurse then called aarav and told about her......

Nurse: hello sir.....

Aarav: tell me how is she......did she had her dinner......

Nurse: yes sir.....she had but only a little.......and she didn't talk also.....she is being so silent.......

Aarav: did you try asking her anything.....

Nurse; yes sir ......but she didn't respond to my question.......from  morning itself she is continuously asking for you only........

Aarav : okkk..... Thank you for being with her for a whole day.......now you can leave.....and remember the plan for tomorrow......be in the hospital half an hour before. ..........no one except you and me should not know about the plan......

Nurse: ok sir......then she cut the call and went home......

Anika was lying there in the bed and just thinking about Aarav.....

Anika: what happened to him!??? Is he ok??did I did too far??

Thinking of him a tear left her eyes......she wiped it off and tried to sleep.....but she couldn't.......after rolling here and there in the bed she finally slept........

The next day.....

Aarav arrived at the hospital at 7 o clock an hour earlier than usual......he then went to a floor when Anika  was admitted...... He then went a room which is was just 5 rooms away from Anika's room and made all his set up like pouring the blood all over his body and in the floor..........while he was arranging all this Anika's personal nurse came there......

Nurse: good morning sir ......

Aarav: morning.....I think I have set everything.....is that ok.....does it look ok.....

Nurse: yes sir..... everything is ok......but I'm scared .....

Aarav: scared??? For what....

Nurse: no sir.... already mam is suffering from yesterday.....I couldn't see her like that.....I can't imagine now what will happen to her now....

Aarav: I'm too feeling sorry towards her.....but I don't have any other option......she is not accepting and telling her feelings to me........that's why I am doing this.....

The nurse nodded and started to do some more arrangements like tieing bandage in his body.......

Aarav: I think everything is perfect......nurse you can go and inform her.....

Nurse: ok sir....

At Anika's room....

Anika already woke up today and was just combining her hair.....

The nurse approached her with nervous face.....

Anika: what happened.....why r u sweating too much.....

Nurse: mam that's........

Anika: yeah tell me

Nurse: mam Aarav sir met with an accident this morning and he is no more now.....

Anika's comb fell down from her hand......

Anika: what are you saying....don't lie to me.....he can't leave me and he won't leave me .........I think you must be mistaken.......go and check for once....

Nurse: no mam......they have checked......really sir is no more....

Anika(crying):no ....no....you all are lying .....my Aarav will not leave me..........how will I live without him......noooo..........why do all these happen only to me........do I have no permission to live happily in this world......
Nurse please take me to him.....I want to see him.....please take me to him......

Nurse: mam but please don't cry...... if you cry like this then I can't take you out .......please control yourself mam otherwise it will disturb all the other patients outside......

Anika didn't Stop crying..... without any option the nurse took her to Aarav's room ......she saw the bed and his body was completely covered with blood.......and his head was bandaged but the blood was all over the bandage too ........she was freezed for a second.......

Then she started to cry going towards him.....

Anika: Aarav please open your eyes ....see your Anika is here ....please don't leave me.......see I'm here......open your eyes.......please. ........how will I live without you......please......I love you aarav.    Please come to me...

Saying this her breathe was getting abnormal that she couldn't breathe properly.................then she fainted not fully but before that the nurse caught her and made her sit down......

Aarav tried not to get up from the bed.....but when her breathe was not proper he bacame tensed.......then when she fainted aarav woke up and came near her ..... Anika was stunned at first when he came near her........he came towards her and asked if she was ok and gave water to drink........Anika drank the water and asked him.....

Anika: what is all this????(she slapped him)

That's all guys I hope you enjoyed it


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