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Tears left Anika's eyes when she saw Aarav leaving......even though she is mad at him she still love him.....but she is not ready to accept him....that's why she asked him to leave her at the hostel.......

Aarav took his car and went to the hospital.......he reached the his cabin and requested the nurse to hand over his case to other doctor.......the nurse too understood his condition and went away from his cabin giving him little time for himself.......Aarav didn't said anything further and he laid down in the couch in his room.....but he couldn't sleep.....then he decided to go home......

At home......

Everyday except last week he was usually will be welcomed by Anika .....but this whole week changed his life......he is not willing to go the lonely house .........he sat on the living room and rested his head on the couch.......Anika's memories were running in his mind......he then decided to see Anika's room and sleep there ........after their marriage this is the first time he is willing to see her room......he went near the room and opened it and enter inside......he entered only 3 times in this room just to treat Anika.....but now he is feeling that Anika is here only......her fragrance can be smelt in that room......

Aarav then saw a big and tall teddy bear in which and name board was pasted in its body below the neck and it said AARAV........he hugged it and then slept thinking Anika is sleeping beside him......and finally he slept......

I'm Anika's hostel......

Anika was also continuously thinking about Aarav......

Anika: what is he doing now???is he fine now......did he had his lunch????can I call him up and ask.....noo.....I shouldn't call him.....he is getting punished for what he has done.......but I can ask his nurse right .......

Then she took her phone and dialled the nurse whom Aarav appointed as her nurse.....

Anika: (on call) hello.....I'm Anika....

Nurse: mam you....how did you get my number??

Anika: now that not important......how is aarav ...

Nurse: mam sir went home .......he asked me to give all his appointments to other doctor and he went away mam......

Anika: okk thanks for telling me.....please don't tell him that I asked you about him......

Nurse; ok mam...........ma....

Before her further reply Anika cut the call........

Anika: I'm sure he is too disappointed...and thats why he gave his work to other doctor......okk.....I will deal with him afterwards.....but for now I have to get a work for myself......I think I can do work from home  as  I have completed my software engineer course.....let me give some applications to some companies through online....

Then she send his bio data and her qualifications to some of the companies through online.........soon on the same day she attended an online interview and got a job......and she can work from the home itself.......

She then drifted to sleep after taking her medicine..........

She then woke up in the evening 6 o clock and got freshen up.......as she  was just passing through the window her eyes fall outside and saw Aarav was sitting in the bench in the park which is just opposite of her hostel.....Aarav saw that Anika was watching her.....when he was ready to wave his hands towards her she just closed the window and went inside.....when she closed the window Aarav then called her immediately .......she saw the caller id but didn't attend the call....... Aarav tried a few more times ....but she didn't attend the call.....this made Aarav feel bad so he went away from there........

Anika saw him leaving in his car and she went to her bed and started crying......she is also missing him so much .....but her mind idt not letting her to speak to him.......she cried for a while there and then the warden came to call her for dinner........she then went with her......

At home.....

Aarav came home and don't know what to do......he was really Missing her and that's why he went to see her at the hostel......but she closed the window band and went inside.....in that rage Aarav bought alcohol on the way back to home .........he then started to drink until he felt fully he was drunken........then without having anything  he slept......

This happened and continued for  3 weeks ........ For two weeks  he  went to her hostel to see her....but she rejected him in some ways with her actions.......this hurted him more and he started to drink daily and he stopped going to hospital also.......here Anika got a job and was working from home .......even though she hurted him daily but she used to ask about Aarav to the nurse daily......the nurse too gave some disappointing answers.......this hurted her more.....she saw him becoming skinny day by day .........but last week she didn't see him in her hostel......now she understood that she can't live without him and he too can't live without her.......Aarav's health was detoriating day by day due to drinking ..........

Suddenly one casual day ......

After week's Anika saw him again in front of her hostel at 8 I clock night ......it was so cold outside but he was just sitting there on the bench.......Anika got worried .......Anika saw his condition and got to know that he is not in good condition.......She then called the nurse and asked her and a doctor  to come to her hostel now and explained the condition.......

Anika then went outside and stood near Aarav......Aarav raised his head and saw her.....he quickly got up from the bench .......she slapped him lightly........

Anika: what are you even doing here in this cold night......are u even serious......see your condition how skinny you have become......see your face how dull and has dark circles.......now come with me.....

Aarav:(drunken tone) Anika I'm really sorry......please forgive me....

Anika: first you come with me before I slap you again .......

She then dragged him inside to her room with the wardens permission and applied oil in his head and asked him to take bath.......she was so much feeling hurt and guilty in seeing her condition.....

Meanwhile she went to prepare a hangover and a cup of warm coffee for him.......

That's all guys I hope you enjoyed it.......


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