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Aarav then came to her room again........Anika was still crying while sitting in the bed......aarav came and opened the door with loud crash sound......Anika flinched to the sound.....

Aarav: I want to clear up now everything....I can't live with burden every day.........tell me why are you acting in front of me....

Anika looked at him confused.....

Aarav : why are you looking at me like this.......now you don't need to act .......I came to know about all your plan......y

Anika: Aarav about what plan are you speaking.....I didn't get you ....

Aarav: see Anika don't make me lose my patience......I myself prepared and came here just to ask you what you need.....better answer my question honestly......

Anika: really I didn't get you.....

Aarav: (loudly) you didn't get me right .........listen I will tell you everything.......you married me just to take away all my property ......you are working under my enemy as a spy...... because of him you married me and acted like you just cared about me.....right.......and you know what I loved you on our meet-up itself......I dreamt a big to build our relationship.....but when I came to know about  that you were working under my spy my heart shattered you know..........hear me out clearly.....I LOVE YOU......but at the same time I hate you.......you want all my property right ....take it....I will give it to you happily .........but don't stab me at my back .......

Anika:(crying)  Aarav listen you have misunderstood me......see you know how lonely I'm in home that I don't have any friends........then how can I be a spy........please believe me.....I'm not here for your property........you told me that you loved me on the first sight itself right........ even I did that tooo. I also fell in love with you in the first sight itself......

Aarav:(clapping his hands) wow you act so nicely......I think you went on to acting career then you will surely win awards for your acting........but now it's too late...........I came to know about all your truth so now just accept it......

Anika:(crying) Aarav please believe me......I'm telling you the truth only.....please believe me......I'm not lying........

Aarav: to believe you.....how I believe you when I have a strong evidence against you........

Anika: what evidence you have and from where did you get those evidence.......

Aarav: one of my colleague showed me a video of you and my enemy Me  Black talking about how to get my property.......

Anika: aarav please try to understand.......i was fully standing with you in the venue hall......please think about that .......

Aarav: how can try to kill up another story to tell that you are innocent when your real face is already exposed.......i truly have not seen such a bad woman like you in my life......I regret marrying you......you know what yesterday and today I'm taking care of you with all my love and concern ............these 2 days I was fully thinking about and only you.......I was afraid to lose you again once you recover that's why I came to sort of the problems.......but after seeing your stubbornness now I think all my efforts are at vain.......my efforts and thoughts are useless.......please don't come infront of me and don't try to get closer to me .....got it.......

Anika was heart broken when he said that he regret marrying her .......

Anika: Aarav I know it's clearly a misunderstanding.......but when you will come to know that I'm not lying then you are gonna regret for treating me bad........keep that in your mind.......

Aarav then got angry and he just pushed down all the medicines down which are kept near Anika's bed.......then he harshly closed the door and went away ............ Anika was crying terribly her heart out .......

He then went to his cabin in full anger and made all mess in his room........he then just lay on his couch and slept due to the stress ........

Here Anika decided to discharge from the hospital but she don't know where should she go .................then with the help of a nurse she investigated if there was any hostel nearby.......after getting to know about that she moved out without anyone's knowledge........

At 5 o clock

When a nurse came for the rounds and to clean Anika's wound she found that Anika was missing from her room.......she then ran to Aarav's room and knocked it...... Aarav woke up from sleep and went out of his cabin......

Nurse: the patient whom you gave emergency treatment 2 days before is Miss now sir ......

Aarav: how is that possible.......did you check in the nearby rooms.....

Nurse: yes sir........

Aarav then ran to her room ......he was just running like a mad person.........

Aarav: ahhhh aarav what have you done ......why can't you control your emotions.......she needs a proper treatment now......and now be because of my anger she is missing.....

Then he suddenly noticed a letter near the pillow......he took that read it......

It said

"Aarav  don't  search for me...... I'm leaving from your life...... it's been 7 months that we have already married but till today you didn't event touched me other than giving me treatment......Im moving on from your life .....take care and find yourself a girl who is true to you..... Goodbye....


Aarav felt really bad for doing this to her that to in this body condition.......he came to her room just to end their misunderstanding.....but now he ended up leaving her ........he now really don't know what to do, where she went......

That's all guys...... I hope you have enjoyed it.......


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