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After sliding the ring into her finger he hugged her tightly......

Anika: Aarav will you promise just one more thing to me??

Aarav: (cupped her face) you don't have to ask my permission to ask anything to me......go ahead now...

Anika:will you believe me hereafter what ever happens against me......???

Aarav to her hands and kept it in his ches near his heart......

Aarav: no matter whatever happens against in this world I won't go against you hereafter......I already wasted my precious 7 months with you in a misunderstanding .....I don't want to do that again....

Anika:okk..okk..ok....now don't remember the past......we will get start our life freshly........ok you go and take rest ...... already you are weak??

Aarav: who told you I'm weak.....see how I am strong and fresh...... You don't understand my strength after my kiss......shall I give one more to prove it to you.....

Anika: no need now.....just go and rest ....I know your plan ....get well soon and then I am all yours.....

Aarav: Anika......please.....

Anika: no excuses Aarav.....your health is my first priority.....I won't neglect about that......you heard me right .... go to your room......

Aarav: then come with me and sleep near me.....

Anika nodded and he dragged her to his bedroom.....

Aarav enters his room and found it a bit messy as he didn't visited his room for last 2 weeks.....he was about to go in.....

Anika: why are going inside.....see it's all messed up......

Aarav: it's ok Anika I will clean this in 5 minutes...you wait down ....I will call you once I complete cleaning.......

Anika: no need of that that......come lets sleep in my room for now.....I will it up after.....then we will sleep her at night.....is that ok??

Aarav : your idea is ok......but I will help.you to clean the room.....

Anika: you are already sick ...and while cleaning it again you will again get the dust inside you and it will cause some allergic reaction...... already you are allergic to dust.....I don't want to make it worse....

Aarav: wait wait.....how you know that I'm allergic to dust??

Anika: that's Anika.....I know all about you.......now come lets sleep.......

Both of them then went to her bedroom and slept their peacefully.....

At night 8 clock Aarav woke up and searched for Anika near his bed.....but she was nowhere to be found......

He then came downstairs and saw her cooking dinner......he slowly came and back huggy her.....she was scared and flinched very hard due to his sudden hug......

Aarav: I'm sorry Anika I didn't mean to scare you .....I'm really sorry.....

Anika: it's ok my baby.....

Aarav: baby.....mmm it's sounds too good .....

Anika : ok come lets have dinner and then we will watch movies.....

Aarav: movie??

Anika' yeah....what happened?? Anyways we are not going to sleep at night as we already slept in the afternoon .......that's why I suggested.....

Aarav then came and sat and they had the dinner together while chit chatting......

After dinner they spend some time together while watching movie .....

Then they decided to sleep at early morning.......they then walked towards Aarav's room..... Aarav welcomed her while opening the door.....this will the first time in the 7 months that she is going to sleep with him in the same bed.....she then layed on the bed and hugged Aarav and slept together peacefully.....

The next day

At 9 o clock in the morning.....

Anika woke up first and prepared breakfast for them .........

Aarav then woke up and came down.....then they had their breakfast......while they were spending their lovely time together in the living room Aarav got a call from the hospital.....

Doctor: sir ....your blood reports arrived.......can I come there and give to you ....

Aarav: it's ok.....I will come there within 30 minutes and collect the reports ......and also I have take some documents from my office.......better I will come there.....

Doctor: ok sir....

Then he cut the call....

Aarav: Anika.....shall we go to hospital......

Anika: why should I come??? You go and bring your reports na....

Aarav: Anika just don't be scared ......Im not taking you there for your treatment or something related to you ...... yesterday I took my blood for test and now they informed that the reports are arrived......and I have to take some documents from my cabin......that's why I'm going and I'm calling you just to give a company...... nothing else ....

Anika was thinking whether should she go or not......

Aarav: it's ok....if you are not willing then stay here ....I will be back within an hour .....

Anika: it's ok......I'm coming.......just give me 5 min I will get ready and come......

Then Aarav went to take his car out from the parking.....then Anika came  all ready and then they went to the hospital......

Aarav planned a small surprise........he decided to declared her as his wife and  so he called up one of his officer and  asked his Administrative officers  to gather up in the conference hall for meeting......he called them when Anika went to change her dress.....she don't have any idea about that .......

They reached the hospital at first and then he straightly took her to his conference hall.....

Outside the conference call......

Anika: Aarav I think you have some meeting here....I can wait there in your cabin......

Aarav: no Anika I want you here inside........I'm here to make announce something.....I will finish it quickly......
Come in with me.....it's ok no one will tell anything......

That's all guys I hope you enjoyed it......


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