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Anika :(crying) I'm sorry....... because of me only you are in this condition......please forgive......

Aarav:(low tone) it's not like that......don't think like that.......I will get better in the evening.....you don't worry .....you can leave...I will take care of myself......you have work na.....you leave now.......bye....

Before waiting for her reply he turned to the side and closed his eyes.....

Anika went out and closed the door allowing him to sleep......

Anika: Aarav .....don't worry......I won't leave you here after ....I already learnt my lesson...... hereafter I will be with you only......get well soon......

saying these she went to prepare lunch.......

At afternoon.....

Aarav woke up feeling better.........he was feeling so hungry.......so he decided to come down and make lunch for himself as he thought that Anika went to her hostel.........he removed his iv all by himself and he came down and saw his home was all neat and it smells too good......then he saw Anika was cleaning the kitchen and was setting the things up.....Aarav came near her and stood infront of him.....he was about to ask her some questions........but before that Anika spoke ......

Anika: shhh....have your lunch .....then I will answer all your questions.......come on sit on the dining table......I will serve the food......

Aarav nodded and went and sat on the table .....Anika came and served the lunch......Aarav was just thinking something in his mind.......Anika thought that he was staring at the food.....so she said....

Anika:don't worry......I didn't mix anything this time also....have it....

Aarav came out from his thinking and became guilty and sad for her words.....Aarav didn't said anything and had her food......really it tasted delicious and fantabulous......

After completing the food he came and sat on the living room......Anika too came near him after washing her hands......

Anika came and sat in front of him while kneeling down.....

Anika: Aarav(holding his hands) ......ask me anything....I will give you answer for all your questions now ......

Aarav: why didn't you go to your hostel till now??are you  blaming yourself for what happened to me.......

Anika: no.....it's not like that .....I didn't feel like going there again......

Aarav: I'm sorry if I made you felt sad.......(saying this he caressed her shoulder assuring it's alright...)

When Aarav touched her she felt some unknown feelings in her ......Anika looked his hand which was caressing her shoulders....

As Anika was continuously looking at his hands she thought that he is feeling uncomfortable from his touch .......so he  suddenly took his hands away from her......

Anika looked up at him with teary eyes.......

Anika(teary): touch me....

Aarav frowned at her words but she again spoke.....

Anika: touch me Aarav ......I missed you so much.....

Telling these she started to cry ......

Aarav didn't understood anything .....he was just telling her to stop crying.......then seeing her condition he decided to hug her to console her.......she too hugged him soo tightly....

Anika:(crying) I missed you Aarav .........I missed you soo much .....please don't leave me again....I can't live without you ... please forgive me and accept me......

Now Aarav understood why she said that she is not wanting to go to the hostel.......

Aarav: Anika.....stop crying........why are you being sorry......I am the one who did all the mistakes......why are you telling me sorry......I'm sorry Anika.....please you forgive me.....I'm really sorry....I too can't live without you.....please don't leave me.....I promise you that I will take care of you  till my life end as my queen......

Anika:(crying) don't leave me Aarav .........

Aarav: no I won't.....

Anika: can I ask you something??

Aarav:yes go on baby queen....

Anika: if you don't mind will you give me a kiss??  you can kiss me in my cheek....

Aarav felt sad hearing those from her.....these words from her made him realise that how much she was waiting for him.......

Without thinking twice he hugged her tightly and kissed in her lips with love and affection......

Anika on feeling him ,shed happy tears ..........

After a good passionate kiss both of them got separated themselves.......Aarav then kneel down in front of her ....

Aarav:(removing his ring) Anika I'm willing to be a part of you for the rest of my life......will you accept me as your husband with your whole hear???

Anika: sure my love.....

Then she forwarded her hand and then Aarav slides the ring into her fingers.......

That's all guys I hope you enjoyed it.......


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