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He was just sitting there  in Anika's hospital room was looking down the floor.......

He is really missing her.........he don't know what to do.....he even don't know if she had friends or not..........he then became frustrated and went to his cabin........just then the devil came......that is none other than Chris......he came after complete camp and was searching for Aarav to ask about her......

Chris: hello dude..... what's up....

Aarav: all good...

Chris: dude what happened......wait wait let me Guess.....is it because of Anika........

Aarav didn't said anything.....

Chris: I know these girls are like this only......they will act and when they are caught they will again act to justify that that are not fake just like Anika did......

Aarav: wait.. wait.. wait.....while told you that Anika did all this .....I didn't even tell you this then how did you come to know.abiut the things which happened few hours ago.......are u spying on me....

Chris was now in a tight corner feeling that he had got caught.......

Chris:(trying to cover up the situation) dude come in....I just guessed......I saw Anika admitted her before leaving the camp.....so I guessed probably what happened here......I just told you randomly but it turned out to be truth'......

Now Aarav is not believing his words and clearly suspecting him.......but now he thought to leave him.......

Aarav: you just came up from the camp right....you and take rest for a while........

Chris nodded and went out thinking that he escaped from being caught red handed.........

But now Aarav is fully suspecting him.......he wanted to first clear his confusion about Chris........so he followed him to his cabin without knowing his knowledge.........

Chris reached his cabin and just closed the door harshly and he didn't locked it from inside......

He was laughing like a maniac in his cabin for not getting caught......

Chris :(speaking to himself loudly)Aarav ...Araav.......I'm feeling so pity on you.......even after getting married you can't enjoy your marriage life peacefully.........I want you to live a happy life....but I won't give any chace for that.........you are always there to get the name and fame which originally belong to me and was always as a hindrance for my name and fame......you took all my victory  in school, college and now even in hospital...........you are the only reason for it .........see as of result of what you have done now I'm betraying you........as I said only a single lie before 7 months now it has grown so big like a tree.......you don't know to keep up a back up of your enemy itself.......your enemy Mr black was in prison for the past 5 years......without knowing the truth you believed me and was harming yourself for 7 months......(saying these he was laughing loudly)

Aarav was standing outside of his cabin  and was hearing everything what Chris was speaking .........he was fuming in anger ........he thought this situation should be handled buy the police ......so he before handedly called the cops......

After calling he saw Chris was laughing loudly ......Aarav then stamped the door and opened it..........Chris turned around and saw
Aarav standing g there with red eyes.....Aarav then went  straightly toward shim and gave a tight punch in his face......

Aarav:(grabbed Chris collar) how dare you .....how dare you do this to me......I believed you more than my wife......but you are here betraying me....(saying this he again punch him)
Tell me why you do this .....is it because I'm perfect than you .........is it because of your jealousy.....

Chris: take your hand from my collar (saying this he pushed his hands from his collar) what you said you are perfect......no you are not perfect ....I'm the only one perfect......none is perfect than me......yes I made your life hell......your enemy Mr black was in prison for 5years.....without knowing the truth you believed me(saying this he laughed)
You wanna know more.......
Anika is really a simple girl and I just used her for my play ......she is not a spy......and I made all this just to betray you and kill your peaceful life........and one more thing .....there was a huge loos in your administration right .....that was also created by me......

Aarav turned red due to anger ...............

Aarav: so this much days you are here to destroy me and you just acted like my friend... right.....

Chris:(laughing) yes you are right only now......here after what are you gonna do......anyway your wife that is your Anika also left you ......so how are you gonna manage.......

Now Aarav started laughing.........he then took his cahir and sat proudly with one leg overlapping on the other.....

Aarav: what you think of me.......you k ow what.....you planned very well to destroy me.....but now you are doomed.......

Saying these the cops arrived there in Chris cabin

Chris was shocked......

Aarav: and about my wife......I truly loved her and I'm still loving her ....she will surely understand my love one day.......now you get ready to enjoy your rest of the days in the jail ........... inspector take him away and file him a big case that he can't escape.........

The cops then arrested him and took him away .......

That's all I hope you have enjoyed it

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