Chapter Six

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A few days had gone by after Harley and Meg's terrifying encounter, Meg seemed to be doing a bit better according to Liv, but Harley had been having nightmares ever since. She kept seeing the man stroll into the café with the knife and most of the time the knife would land on Meg, but her most recent one the knife landed on Liv. She knew what it meant, she knew she was starting to fear her life without Liv.

She still hadn't spoken to Seth, he had of course tried to call her, but she didn't want to pick up in her eyes she didn't have time for him just like he didn't have time for her on that unforgettable night.

"Morning." Liv said walking into her huge kitchen dressed in tight leggings and a tight sports bra that shaped her breasts nicely. "Morning." Harley stated biting into a slice of her toast.

"Another nightmare?" Liv questioned as she nodded letting out a sigh watching the sweaty woman walk around her kitchen island towards her coffee marker. She shook her head frowning realising that she was checking her out, she told herself the whole reason the kiss happened was because she was sad and drunk.

"The girls are coming over today."

"What?" Harley questioned as Liv turned leaning onto the kitchen island next to her, taking a sip of her coffee. "I have fought them off long enough for you. I can't do it anymore."

"Liv... I just don't think..."

"Look I get that you went through something traumatic, but you can't let it define you Harls... and they are our friends. They just want to make sure you're okay." She stated as Harley nodded taking a deep breath in knowing she was right.

"Okay... you're gonna shower first though, right? Because this is not sexy. This is sweaty." Harley made a hand gestures towards Liv's body receiving a smirk at her leaning forward taking a bite out of her toast. Harley's jaw dropped slightly.

"Tell me I'm not sexy again and I'll prove you wrong." She said seductively in her ear creating shivers up and down Harley's back.

She swallowed staring into her hypnotising green eyes. "Uh..." She didn't know what to say, she had nothing to say back to that, her mind was completely blank, well not completely blank, the image of Liv proving her wrong popped into her head causing her to take a deep breath in.

Liv smirked watching the wonder dance in her eyes, but before she could do anything about it they both heard Harley's name being called making both women frown at each other. "Bitch why is your house so damn big! It's easy to get lost in here!" Liv rolled her eyes letting out a sigh as she stood up straight moving away from Harley who was still frowning. "In here!" Liv said loudly.

"Am I getting hotter?" She questioned as Liv stared at Harley. "So hot!" She said loudly winking at the tired woman making her chuckle. She moved to her left walking out of the kitchen for a few minutes allowing Harley to finish her toast before the women walked into the kitchen swarming her with hugs and alcohol.

Rea was the first to give her a tight hug before handing her a bottle of wine. "We are going to drink our asses off today." She grinned as Amelia hugged her tightly asking how she was dealing with the stress of the event. Layla however gave her a quick cuddle not feeling comfortable touching her.

"Girls I'm a little tired, a little stressed, but other than that I'm good really. Liv has made sure of it." Rea smirked as she leaned forward on the kitchen island. "I'm sure she has." She bounced her eyebrows making Harley chuckle. "Still straight Rea."

"Okay... but why not go back to your man? Why are you staying with Liv?" She questioned as the women took their seats at the island, waiting for the gossip. "Well... I called him that night, I told him what happened and if he could come and get me, he said sure he was on his way and then twenty minutes later when Liv showed up he sent me a text telling me he couldn't make it and that I'd have to find another way home." Rea breathed in through her teeth making everyone frown.

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