Chapter Seven

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Harley spent her day dancing, laughing and drinking a small amount of wine with the girls. Two months ago she didn't know these women and now she couldn't imagine her life without them. They had become her rock. They all left bar Rea who thought Harley might need someone around until Liv got home.

"So, did having us crazy women around today help?" Rea questioned getting a small nod from Harley making her chuckle. "What?"

"Did you want Liv here?" Harley bit her bottom lip answering that questioned without using her words. "Oh... you got problems honey."

"I know, I just didn't think she'd be gone the entire day, I mean usually she's in the café for roughly three hours and then leaves. She's just always so busy." Rea nodded knowing why Liv was always so busy, she could never tell the real reason to Harley of course.

She gave her a gentle smile locking eyes with her. "I know I've got a problem... I just... don't have a clue what to do."

"Well do you want my advice?" Harley nodded bringing her legs up onto the black leather couch trying to get somewhat comfy. "Yes please."

"You either need to break it off with your boyfriend and tell Liv how you feel. Or you bury your feelings and stay in a relationship that you aren't really happy in." She stated as Harley let out a sigh throwing her head back. "That isn't great advice!" She said loudly.

"Yeah sometimes advice isn't always what we want it to be, but what we need it to be."

"When the hell did you become so wise?" She questioned making Rea chuckle as they heard the door shut. "I don't care! Get it done!" They heard Liv roar. Rea chuckled nervously. "Give us a minute." She winked jumping up from the couch rushing out to the hall. "I swear if you..."

"Liv! You're home." Harley frowned as she followed Rea stopping at the large arch way between the living room and hallway. She saw a look of worry between Liv and Rea. "How was the meeting?" She questioned as Liv nodded staring at her, hanging up her call. "It went okay. Some complications, but nothing I can't handle." Rea nodded smiling as Harley's frown deepened, her confusion growing by the second.

"Well I best be getting home. Joe will be wondering where I am." She stated grabbing Liv's arm and dragging her to the door whispering in her ear something Harley found strange. They were all friends so why the whispering. She saw Liv nod then open the door for Rea allowing her to leave.

Liv took a deep breath in resting against the door locking eyes with Harley seeing the suspense growing in her eyes. "So, how was your day?" Liv questioned walking towards her.

"It was good. Yours?"

"It was a killer." She stated clearing her throat heading into her living room instantly grabbing a wine glass that had been sitting, pouring what was left of the bottle and downing it. Harley let out a sigh as she leaned on the back of the couch looking down into Liv's tired eyes. "Anything you want to talk about?" Liv shook her head knowing she wouldn't understand, no one ever did.

"No, thank you. I just really want to shower and go to sleep." She said looking up at her with a smile as Harley nodded licking her lips. "Okay." She said standing up grabbing the empty wine bottles heading into the kitchen causing Liv to frown realising what she had said.

She stood up letting out a loud groan knowing she was too tired for this, but she hated the thought of Harley feeling lonely or like she wasn't enough for anyone. 

She walked into the kitchen to see Harley leaning against the kitchen counter top, in front of the sink. "I'm sorry. I know I said we could talk tonight and..."

"It's fine."

"No Harls..."

"Liv it's fine really..." She paused turning to face the tired woman. "I'm not your girlfriend. You don't owe me anything."

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