Chapter Thirty-Four

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A/N - Longish chapter incoming, longer than normal anyway. Enjoy!


"What?" She questioned as her father closed her office door. She sat behind her desk waiting for him to turn getting a sudden feeling of dread wash over her.

"Dad?" She questioned as he slowly turned. "Christian knows." Liv frowned. "Knows what?" Her tone became cold, seething with anger trying to hide her worry that was bubbling.

"He knows where Enzo is." Liv stood up pulling her phone out of her back pocket as her father grabbed her hands. "Relax... I've got people on it. They're on their way to collect him and Rose." That wasn't enough to calm Liv's fears, she needed to hear Rose's voice, she needed to know her son was safe. She yanked her hand out of her fathers grip instantly gluing her eyes to her phone until she saw Rose's contact information, quickly hitting waiting for her to answer with nothing but fear brewing in her stomach waiting for the worst.

She picked up on the third ring.

"Rose! Where are you? Are you both safe?" She questioned panic in her voice.

"My son will always be safe with me, Rose on the other hand..." Christian breathed in through his teeth. "I can't promise anything."

"Christian I swear to god! If you harm one hair..."

"Oh you don't get to threaten me... you've had my son hidden from me since the day he was born, now you get to feel what I felt for all those years."

"I will find him."

"Good luck with that baby." He stated before hanging up the phone.

"Fuck!" Liv screamed as she threw her phone against the wall. She brought her hands up to her head running her fingers through her hair. Antonio locked eyes with his daughter, both sharing the look of fear across their face.

"You're people were too late. He has him." She spat with anger as she grabbed her gun walking out of her office with her father following close behind her.

"I want him found now!" Liv screamed as Rea walked into the room with Nick following behind her. "What's going on?" She questioned, worry etched in her voice.

"I want Christian found now!" She roared with a look that could kill. Rea nodded as both her and Nick rushed out of the room gathering whatever and whoever they needed to find this man, they didn't need to know why, Liv was seething with anger which could only mean one thing. He had her son... or rather their son.

Hours later and the search was still going on, Liv had ordered an non-stop search meaning no one would have any free time until Christian was found, dead or alive she didn't care. "We will find him, I promise you." Her mother said as she stroked the back of her head.

"What's going on?" Harley questioned as she entered the kitchen. "This would never have happened if you weren't so focused on her, you know that, right?" Her mother's tone changed quickly making Liv frown at her.

She couldn't believe it, the nerve of her to speak to her like that at a time like this.

"Are you fucking kidding me!?" She roared at her before walking away from her, away from everyone. "Liv..."

"Don't follow me!" She warned Harley who frowned wondering what happened for her to be this angry. Antonio placed his hands onto his hips looking at his wife. "That was the wrong thing to say!"

"It was the truth."

"It doesn't matter! She is worried beyond belief. Do you remember how worried we were when the fucking Mexican's took her and Oliver!?" She let out a sigh folding her arms licking her lips. "I remember! But it doesn't change the truth... that woman has clouded our daughters mind!" She screamed pointing to Harley who frowned deeper at her.

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