Chapter Seventeen

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Liv sat behind her desk as Rea explained what was going on. At first Liv thought it might have been about Christian, but sadly it wasn't, he was the easy problem. No this problem was Harley. Her parents had been trying to get in contact with her and since she didn't have her phone as Liv took it from her something Liv just realised she still hadn't asked for back.

The problem was she was a detective's daughter who had gone missing. "How often does she talk to them?" Liv questioned as Rea frowned at her. "Shouldn't you know that? You spent the most time with her."

"My mind was on keeping who I am from her." Rea let out a sigh going through her phone, her messages from her father and mother. "Almost daily, if she doesn't speak to her father, she's talking to her mother and visa versa. He's talking about sending out a search party Liv."

"Fuck!" Liv screamed.

"What exactly is this big problem?" Harley questioned looking to Nick who gave her a small smile. "Nothing Liv can't handle." She let out a sigh feeling worry creeping up on her for some reason. "Where the hell is she!?" She heard a man's voice echo throughout the house anger etched in it.

Nick pounced up when he saw Liv's father heading straight for him. "Mr De Santis... I can't allow you to..." Nick was smacked across the face and thrown to the side as Harley's jaw was grabbed roughly as he looked into her eyes. She moaned out in pain, suddenly fearing for her life. "Why the hell hasn't she killed her yet!? She knows too much!" He screamed looking to Nick as he roughly let go of Harley.

"I... you'd need to speak with your daughter, sir." Nick stated, now standing rubbing his face from the pain.

"Oh she's wasting time. I'll do it myself." He said pulling a gun out of his suit jacket pointing it at Harley's head as tears ran down her face. "Sir! I beg you... don't do this." Nick tried to talk him out of it knowing Liv would not be happy. Harley slowly closed her eyes as she awaited death, awaited a way out of this terrifying nightmare as a sad thought entered her head. She wouldn't see Liv again.

Harley suddenly screamed as a loud bang echoed through the room causing her to grab her ears looking up to see the man that was holding the gun to her with a look of shock across his face. "The next one will go in your leg." She turned to see Liv standing holding a gun that had a small amount of smoke coming out of it.

Rea tilted her head to Harley telling her to make her way over to them quickly. "Oliva!" Liv heard her mother's voice causing her to lower the gun. "Oh crap." She stated tossing the gun to Rea as Harley jumped back. "Isn't that loaded?" Rea chuckled softly. "Yes."

"Did you just try to kill your father?"

"No! I just gave him a tiny warning shot." Liv stated shrugging her shoulders as her father stared at her with disbelief. "Antonio! Aren't you going to say something?" Her mother questioned as he walked towards his daughter giving her a small smile and nod. "I've never been prouder."

"Oh this family is fucked up." Harley said as Rea smirked. "Antonio!" Liv and her father both chuckled. "Oh mum relax, we all know if I did shoot him. I wouldn't kill him." Antonio nodded smiling at his wife as he placed his arm around his daughter, bringing her in for a hug. "But don't ever do that again." He stated whispering into her ear.

"Don't ever threaten her again then." She warned him back as they both pulled away from each other smiling. "Alright now that's that sorted. Miss..." He frowned looking to Liv. "What's her last name again?" Liv shook her head. "This is why I'm running things now. You're getting forgetful. It's Bennett, like Detective Bennett."

"Right, she's his daughter. What are you planning on doing to fix this little Bennett problem?" He questioned as Liv's mother made her way towards Rea and Harley who jumped behind Rea showing her fear. "I'll figure it out."

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