Chapter Twenty-Four

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Harley and Liv sat under a large tree in the back garden both women letting out a sigh. Harley looked up to the night sky watching the stars twinkle. "Are you going to tell me why you're so angry with your father?"

Harley rubbed her lips together as she slowly looked to Liv shaking her head. "Come on, Harls. You can tell me anything." She turned slightly as she placed her arm onto the back of the bench they were sitting on, gently running her fingers over the back of Harley's shoulders.

"He just wants me to... end things with you." She said swallowing hoping Liv wouldn't catch her out on her lie. "Um... okay, but there's no reason to get angry about that. I mean technically we aren't together." Harley began to shake her head as she stood up. She ran her hands through her hair kicking herself for allowing Liv to get into her head.

She kept saying to herself it was an act for a reason and just when she started to believe that it might not be, Liv proved her wrong. "Unbelievable." She muttered under her breath bringing her hand up to her forehead.

"What?" Liv questioned standing from her seated position. "So, one minute it's I want you and the next it's we're not together." Liv frowned licking her lips. "Harley, we aren't, but that doesn't mean I don't want to be I..."

"Then you don't say what you said! You should understand why I'm pissed!" She screamed as Liv took a deep breath in looking down placing her hands into her pockets before locking eyes with Harley once again.

"That's unfair. I'm not a mind reader, you want me to know what's going on then you talk to me! You don't scream at me for stating facts!" Harley let out a sigh folding her arms knowing she was right, she was just angry with herself for agreeing to help her father to take Liv down in the first place. "You're right, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you."

Liv nodded closing the gap between them, bringing her hands out unfolded Harley's arms to interlock their fingers. "Thank you. But why are you so angry, really, what happened?"

Harley licked her lips suddenly fearing what Liv would do if she found out she planned to take her down with her father. "Um... he was just being... overprotective of me." Liv brought her hand up to Harley's cheek stroking it gently before tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Well that makes two of us."

She smiled up at her taking a deep breath in before pulling away from her allowing Liv's hand to fall watching the confusion creep up on her. "You are thee most confusing straight woman I have ever turned." She joked making Harley chuckle. "Liv. Rose... how serious were you two?" She questioned watching the crime boss take a large breath in before releasing a loud sigh. "I knew that question was coming."

Harley walked towards her grabbing her left arm looking to the Rose. "Clearly this serious, right?"

"Harls, you knew I had a past."

"Not a past relationship Liv, one serious enough for you to tattoo a reminder of her on your body forever. That type of love doesn't just die."

"No, it doesn't."

"So, what happened? Why did you guys break up?" Liv licked her lips. "After I left Christian, I began to feel strange. Soon I started throwing up every morning." Harley frowned unsure if she was hearing this right. "You were pregnant?" Liv nodded with a hint of sadness in her eyes.

"And then I lost the baby, we were together for roughly a year after that, but I was never the same. Losing a child breaks a part of you, a part of you dies with them, it doesn't matter if you meet them or not. I was broken, angry and I became... a monster so much that my own people feared to be in the same room as me. I killed whoever looked at me wrong."

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