10. It's your engagement in a week!

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We had a great time together. It was amusing how her mere presence provided me with an incredible amount of peace and happiness which nothing could provide. I wished the moment to last forever. I wished the time to freeze at that moment when she was in my arms. 

I got a call from My PA Mathur saying they got hold of the Village head who was creating problems for the last few weeks. I had to solve this issue so I dropped her back at Shikar and drove to my warehouse. I am going to torture that bastard for snatching away my time with my girl.

By the time I walked in his face was already bruised and blood was oozing out of his body. The moment I saw him anger rose in me and I punched him with an intensity that made him fall along with the chair he was tied to. I landed punches on him mercilessly. I left him only when lost consciousness.

"I want this issue to be closed permanently," I ordered my right-hand Faruk and walked out. I went to my office and changed into another pair of clothes as the previous ones had blood strains. I sat there alone for some time to calm down my anger and then started to home. 

When I reached Palace there was a hustle-bustle going on. I went to my chambers avoiding whatever was going on and took a relaxing bath. I wiped my hair with a towel and dropped it in the laundry. I changed into sweatpants and a T-shirt then walked down.  One of the maids bought me coffee and I sat in the main hall sipping my coffee.

Ananya and Nithya were arguing over something while Sid and Vaibhav were busy railing them up. Mom and Chachi are checking some lists while Dadi and Bua Dadi are in the temple. Dad and Chacha sa went to Hyderabad for a meeting.

I started checking my emails when someone snatched my mobile. I raised my eyes with full anger but composed myself immediately seeing my mom standing in front of me with my phone in her hands.

"What do you think you are doing Rana Ji?" Mom asked. If she is calling me Rana Ji then I should have done something.

"I was checking my emails, Maa sa," I replied.

"You can do your work later too. We need to discuss something first." She said or more like ordered. I nodded my head and sat straight paying my complete attention to her.

"It's your Roka in two days and engagement in a week. We have a lot of arrangements to make and you are all busy with office stuff!" She accused us I mean all male members of the family.

"You just give me the list of what to be done Maa sa. I will ask Mathur to get everything done." I said trying to take my phone from my mother.

"Why? Is it his wedding or his family members' wedding?" She retorted sarcastically. What happened to my mom?

"But he's the one who takes care of all the arrangements when we organize any parties!" I made my point.

"This is not some business party son. It's my son's marriage. The first marriage of this generation and I want our family to take care of every arrangement." She said and sat beside me.

"Okay, Maa sa. What do you want me to do?" I asked giving up on the idea of arranging someone to do jobs.

"I want you to come with us tomorrow and shop for your outfits for Roka and Engagement." She said. I was about to suggest something but her glare made me drop the idea.

"So we are going tomorrow right?" She asked once more. I nodded in approval.

"Then I will call Suvarna bhabi sa and ask her to join us. Aarushi too didn't shop for her engagement," she said and walked away with her phone.

So, we are going to meet again tomorrow.  

The next morning I got ready and went for breakfast. My whole family except Dadi sa and Bua Dadi are ready to go shopping.

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