Chapter 35

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Third Person

It's been two weeks and there were signs of Yaszy trying to wake up but she never woke up.

Alessandro has never once left her side, he even stays with her at night and sleeps in a chair beside her.

Emiliano is starting to get worried about his sister not waking up, he has been trying everything he knows but she's still not waking up.

The rest of the Romano Family came to the hospital to see her and talk to her. Even, the Rossi family came to see her multiple times. Noah was devastated when she got the news and Nick went on a killing spree.

It shattered everyone's heart seeing Yaszy in the hospital bed like that. Ace and Liam, and Dante came by to see her and even the girls came to see her.

Jason McCann even came with Nick to see her and everyone was starting worried about her not waking up.

Nick and Noah arrived at the hospital but they didn't come alone. Nick had his little sister Maddie with him and wanted her to meet Yaszy even if Yaszy couldn't meet her.

They arrived at Yaszy's room then they walked into the room and Alessandro stood up and walked out to give the three of them a minute alone with Yaszy.

Nick's eyes landed on Yaszy and he can feel his blood boiling. "She's pretty." He heard Maddie say.

"You are correct, sister." Nick said to his baby sister and then kissed her forehead.

Nick walked closer to the bed with Maddie in his arms. "Her name is Yaszy." Nick told his sister while taking hold of Yaszy's hand and giving it a small squeeze.

"Will she like me?" Maddie asked her brother.

"She will love you, she may be scary sometimes but she will love you and protect you with every single bone in her body." Nick told his sister which made a smile form on his sister's face, which shocked him because she barely smiles.

Maddie noticed Yaszy's hand moving and pointed it out to Nick who looked down to see Yaszy's hand moving.

"Noah, go get Alessandro and Emiliano now." Nick said making his step-sister run out of the room to get Alessandro and Emiliano.

Once she reached them she was out of breath. "Y-Yaszy's hand m-moved." She said in between taking breaths.

Alessandro and Emiliano ran to their sisters' room to see Nick standing beside her with his sister in his arms watching their sister.

The two brothers watched her hand and indeed it kept moving. "Alessandro call Dad and our brothers and tell them to get down here now. She might wake up today." Emiliano told his older brother.

Alessandro ran out of the room to call Alessio. "Is she awake?" That was the first thing Alessio said on the phone.

"Her hand is twitching, you guys need to come now. Emiliano thinks she'll wake up today." Alessandro responded to Alessio.

"Okay, we'll be there as soon as we can." Alessio says then the call ended.

Alessandro walked back into his sister's room and saw Emiliano unplugging most of the machines from her already. "Brother, don't you think you should have waited until she woke up to unplug her?" Alessandro spoke as stepped closer to the bed she was laying in.

"I'm only taking off the breathing tube and I'm switching her to an oxygen tube." Emiliano said making Alessandro feel kind of skeptical about the idea.

Alessandro watched his little sister while Emiliano unhooked their sister from the breathing tube and switched her to an oxygen tube.

Alessandro's eyes widened when he saw his sister's hand move to Emiliano's arm. "We're here." Alessio announced as he and the rest walked into the room.

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