Chapter 98

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Alex came in alone and when he walked in the living room he looked around for something then when he saw me he walked over.

He picked me up from the place I was sitting and he sat down on the couch with me in his arms. "Jason's not mad at me is he?" I asked Alex.

"Of course not, love. He told me he's glad someone finally got rid of his psycho ass." Alex said making me nod my head then rest my head on his chest.

"Blossom, can you be honest with us?" Donna asked making me furrow my eyebrows and nod my head. "Do you feel relieved after killing him?" She asked again making me nod my head again.

"He was toxic for you anyways, blossom." Mike said then Alex kissed my head.

"Love, how would you and Harvey like to come to the house tomorrow to meet our cousin Drake?" He asked changing the subject making me nod my head.

"Blossom, we hate to be a bother but Harvey drove us here and we really do need to get back to the office." Donna said.

"I'll take you two home. I have his car." I said making the two of them nod their heads.

"I'll come with." Alex said and the four of us stood up then headed to the garage.

We entered the garage and walked to Harvey's car, got in. I started the engine and pushed the button to the garage.

Once it opened there stood Alessandro and Lorenzo with their arms crossed. "Oh boy." Alex said making me laugh.

They walked over to the driver side window and knocked on it making me push the button to roll it down. "And where do you think you're going?" Lorenzo asked.

"To go do some drugs wanna come?" I said sarcastically making Alex chuckle from the passenger seat.

"Very funny, amore. Now where are you two going?" Lorenzo asked making Alex point behind us at Mike and Donna.

"Taking them back to the office." I said making them shake their heads then chuckle.

"Could have just said that to began with missy, but be safe." Alessandro said, and they walked out of the garage.

Once they turned the corner I pushed the button for the gates and then drove out of the garage towards the gates.

I made a right at the end of our road and drove towards the office. I felt my phone ding in my pocket making me reach behind and pull my phone out then handed it to Alex.

"Who messaged?" I asked.

"It was a group text message but it was Emiliano, He said he has to stay at the hospital and needs someone to get Harvey." Alex said.

My phone dinged again making Alex look at it.

"Alessandro told him you'll get Harvey." Alex said making me nod my head.

I pulled out front of the office and looked at the two in the back through the mirror. "Can you two let Jessica know that Harvey won't be in tomorrow?" I asked and they nodded their heads.

"Yes we can and welcome back Blossom." Donna said making me smile at the two.

Donna and Mike both exited the car, I drove off and headed to the hospital to pick Harvey up.

After picking Harvey up from the hospital I drove back to the mansion. I pulled down our road and pulled up to the gates, they opened causing me to drive through them then drive into the garage.

I parked the car back in my spot then Alex and I got out of the car, I helped Harvey out of the backseat. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around his waist then helped him into the house.

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