Chapter 99

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Harvey and I woke up, we got dressed and ready for the day and walked down to eat breakfast with everyone. We reached the dining room and walked in causing everyone to look at us.

They all looked relieved when they saw me which caused me to furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "Good morning, princess and Harvey." Dad said to us, and I gave him a smile.

"Morning, Alessio." Harvey said then sat down in the chair beside Giovanni.

I sat down in my seat in between Luca and Domenico. "Lorenzo wants to ride with you." Dad said.

"Can I drop him off in the middle of nowhere after?" I asked making Alessandro chuckle.

"Of course you can Dove, just make sure it's somewhere far away from the house." Alessandro said which made Lorenzo gasp.

"Dad, are you going to allow them to talk about me like this?" Lorenzo asked as he crossed his arms.

"Maybe stop complaining about her being violent all the time and maybe she'll keep you." Dad said making Lorenzo scoff.

Chefs walked in as they carried plates in and then place the plates down front of us, walked out. Without another word from one of us, we started eating the food.

After we ate, Harvey and I along with Lorenzo headed to Alex's house. Lorenzo pulled into the driveway and I helped Harvey out of the front seat since his stomach started hurting.

The three of us headed inside the house to hear voices from the living room causing us to head towards the voices.

When we walked in to the living room, Kyle was the first out of everyone to pick me up by an arm around my waist then he spun me around. "She's finally back." He said making me laugh.

"Okay man, hand her over," Jaxon said as he stood in front of us.

"No, I just got her." Kyle said making Jaxon give him the 'I don't care look.'

Kyle handed me over to Jaxon who walked over to the couch, sat down beside Justin then placed me in the middle of them.

"Wait until Alex and Jason come down. She'll be immediately taken from you two and I'm going to laugh." Kyle said crossing his arms.

"So? Alex told us to take our time with her and when they come down that they're taking her." Justin said making Kyle scoff then roll his eyes.

Lorenzo helped Harvey sit down beside Ian then walked out of the living room . "What happened to you, man?" Kyle asked.

"Nick." Harvey said wincing as he sat back against the couch.

"What did Nick do?" Ian asked and looked at me.

"Harvey went out for some air after I made him almost die from laughing and Nick attacked him but I had a bad feeling when he didn't come back so, I um killed Nick." I said making them all look at me in shocked.

"And their whole family. Maddie is going to my friend, where she will be taken care of better and I'll be able to visit her whenever I want." I added and they all smiled weakly.

"At least she'll be in better care. Every time she was here, Nick would just make her sit down in the chair behind you," Adam said making me agree with him.

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