Chapter 85

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Pizza arrived and I laid down on my back while eating. Harvey would glance at me every so often to make sure I was being careful. Mike was at the table, feeding Kai French fries while eating pizza himself.

As I finished eating, I lifted my empty plate and placed it on the table beside me. Harvey asked if I was still hungry. The question made me shake my head no.

I looked over to see Louis who was slowly walking towards the door with a face that was full of worries. Harvey looked annoyed and asked Louis what he wanted.

"I wanted to come see how Blossom was." Louis said, capturing Harvey's attention. The sound of Kai's growl drew my interest. It puzzled me as to why Kai would growl at Louis so I looked over at Mike, who had picked up Kai and let him smell Louis' wrist.

To my surprise, Kai growled more as he recognized the negative energy Louis was giving off. "You need to leave," Harvey told Louis.

I agreed with him, and then I held my arms out towards Mike so that he could walk Kai over to me and handed him to me.

Kai then sat on my chest while still growling at Louis, while I ran my fingers through his fur.

Louis then rushed out of Harvey's office and Harvey and Mike looked at Kai, shocked, before Mike said, "He's just a baby wolf, he's already a protector," making me smile in response.

"It's the bond that he and I have. I'm the one who saved him, showed him love and showed him that he could trust me," I told them, and they both nodded then I yawned.

Harvey looked at Mike then nodded his head towards Kai and Mike gently picked Kai up from my chest "Alright, let's head to my penthouse. You can take a nap when we get there." Harvey said closing his laptop, stood up and walked over to me then sat me up slowly.

He guided my legs to the edge of the couch, then help me stand up by holding on to my biceps. He grabbed Kai's bag from in front of the couch, then grabbed my hand again and we walked out his office to the elevators.

We reached the elevators, Mike pushed the button then the doors opens and we walked inside the elevator. Mike pushed the button to go down to the main floor, the elevator moved downward then dinged once it reached the main level.

The elevator doors opened, and we walked out of the building to Harvey's car. Harvey opened the backseat door, and I carefully sat down.

He closed the door, and then he and Mike got in. Harvey started the car, pulled away from the firm, and drove to his penthouse, which wasn't far.

I rested my head against the door, closed my eyes, and then sleep took over.

Third Person

Harvey pulled in to the parking garage of his penthouse, he parked in his designated spot then he turned the engine off and took a moment to look over at Yaszy in the backseat who had fallen asleep with her head leaning against the window of the car.

Harvey and Mike both got out of the car and closed their doors, which was just enough to wake Yaszy up a bit. She lifted her head up slightly and then Harvey came over to her, opened the door slowly.

He gently directed her legs to the edge of the car seat and helped her out of the car. He closed her door and then picked her up, and as he did, she wrapped her legs around him and laid her head on his shoulder.

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